Page 21 of Hometown Lover
Something crossed Peter's face. I couldn't put it into exact words, but it was a mix of disappointment and irritation.
Is he mad at me? He knows I can't stay here forever, right?
I'd forgotten how quickly Peter could get attached. He'd always been that way, especially when it came to me.
Peter pushed himself up and walked over to the window. He peered out of it and I watched the muscles in his back as he shifted and glanced around. I wanted to go over and poke his butt.
Seriously, how did I never know how cute his butt is?
I grinned before he turned around.
"I think we can get out soon."
"Good," I sighed. "The sooner I deal with the house the better."
"Or," he said as he walked over and lifted my legs so he could slide underneath them. "You could stay here a few more days."
"I've already done that," I told him. "I can't just stay here forev… oh my… what are you doing?"
Peter's hands wrapped around one of my feet and his thumb glided across my skin. There was just enough pressure to make sure it didn't tickle but worked the muscles instead. I groaned into the couch before I glanced over my shoulder at him. He was focused on his task and I was pret
ty sure I was going to die.
"Does that feel good?" He asked, his voice husky and deep.
"Everything you do feels good," I answered honestly.
It was true. Every time he touched me I was in heaven. And it wasn't just the sex. Peter washed my hair with more care than a salon. He stroked my back when I was falling asleep. His lips caressed my skin when he thought I wouldn't notice. It was as if he absolutely could not get enough of me and it made my heart swell to know that someone out there felt that way about me.
"You know what I'd like right now?" Peter asked.
"What's that?" I mumbled.
"To go into town and go to a real dinner."
My eyes snapped open and I glanced at him. Peter glanced back at me, intent and hopeful. I swallowed thickly.
Is that his way of trying to ask me out on a date?
I could see the look in his eyes, the way he always wanted to hold me and I questioned it all. He can't be feeling anything for me, right? We're just friends.
I knew I couldn't date him, not when I was moving back home shortly. There was no way I could do that.
"And catch up as friends," I said quietly. "Right?"
"What else?" He asked with a laugh. "We already agreed this would be a one-time thing."
"Well it's been more than one time," I offered as his hand moved up my leg and squeezed pleasantly. "Many, many more times."
"And I've enjoyed every last one of them."
Peter smiled, but his eyes wouldn't quite reach mine. I could feel the frown that tugged on the corners of his lips and threatened to consume him. I knew he didn't want me to go. We were friends after all.
Who'd want their best friend to leave?
And we'd picked things right back up where they'd left off. Even after so many years, it was like no time had passed at all.
Once Peter finished, I rolled over and wiggled into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his neck and cheek. Finally, I brushed my lips against his before I kissed him deeply. He pushed his fingers into my hair and kissed me back, his sigh against my mouth relieved and longing.