Page 37 of Believing Her
Had she spooked him?
Could that be it?
There was no way he couldn’t have enjoyed what had just happened between them. It had been like a wildfire had just morphed into existence between them… And, that was why, though she found his behavior decidedly odd, she wasn’t worried.
What had sparked to life was unique.
And if he wanted to hide from that, then she was okay with it. More fool him.
She’d spent too long chasing after one man, and there was no way in hell, she was going to chase after any other.
“I’m fine,” she told him brightly, refusing to be ashamed over what had happened.
Sure, it had been spontaneous, and they’d been damn lucky not getting caught—just how close it had come had the power to make her blush. A tenant or resident could have walked into the hallway at any given moment and caught them in the act! And that wasn’t to say that security cameras hadn’t filmed them…
The thought had her clearing her thought. “I am fine, but just a question…”
“What?” he asked, his gaze on her chin again.
She licked her lips. “Will you be making sure there’s no security footage of what just happened?”
“I’ll make certain of it,” he murmured, as though that went without saying.
And, despite herself, she found his firm authority appealing.
There was something about him. Something that was unique and made him burn like a living flame that scorched her just to look at him.
She was used to money, and she was used to privilege now—well, used to and happy with were two different things—but Josh, she knew, lived in a whole other sphere of influence.
In his world, he could make her in-laws quake in their shoes.
That was impressive.
It was enough to make her pussy clench down hungrily if she were being honest with herself.
She’d had all that power, all that arrogant confidence buried deep inside her. She’d made him roar out with pleasure, made him cry out as he came…
Though her cheeks burned in response to those thoughts, she shoved them away, unprepared to deal with more horniness after an epic session of lovemaking with the man himself.
She nodded and stepped out of the elevator—the doors of which he’d held open with his body.
“Thank you,” she told him calmly, when her blood had started to race again.
His lips twitched. “You’re welcome, I guess. Although, I’m doing it for my benefit as much as yours.”
“I suppose.” She cut him a look. “I need to thank you again for what you did for me back there.” She gulped. “With Frank and Janice, I mean. Not the orgasm.”
His nostrils flared. “You’re welcome.” His eyelids grew heavy. “For both.”
She couldn’t stop her lips from curving in a smile, but she stepped ahead of him, nodding at the chauffeur as he saw her approach and moved to open the door for her to climb into the back of the car.
Erin was there with a book, a coloring pad, as well as her iPad. As far as she could tell, no reading or coloring had been done. She immediately dove toward him to kiss his cheek, then sneaked the iPad away from his sweaty little fingers.
“What have you been up to, kiddo?” she asked cheerfully, putting the tablet in her bag.
Though his bottom lip popped out, she merely cocked a brow at him as though daring him to have a tantrum. He huffed. “I was playing a game.”
Josh climbed in beside her. Even if the car had jolted with the addition of his weight, and even if the chauffeur hadn’t closed the door behind her, she’d have known he was there.