Page 49 of Believing Her
As she stared into his eyes, falling deeply into those bright gem-like pools, she had no choice but to whisper, “No, that’s not a crime.”
“No but. Just… I don’t know what I’m ready for. Emotionally. You might… Well, I might fall deeper than you, and therein lies hurt when I’m not really interested in being hurt for the foreseeable.”
“So you’re not willing to see what potential we have together? Just in case you get hurt?”
“Pretty much,” she retorted wryly. Then, he moved his thumb on her cheek and her every nerve ending sparked to life once more. “Don’t,” she bit off, her eyes fluttering closed as her core turned molten in response to that, the most innocent of touches.
How did he have this power over her? And where the hell had it come from?
Where had any of this attraction come from?
For years, he’d hated her and he’d always made her feel uncomfortable around him. He said he’d mistaken his attraction for her for dislike…. Had she responded equally?
She blew out a breath as she carefully moved her cheek from his hold. Though his eyes flared wide in response—she knew he thought she was rejecting him—she nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay? Okay, what?”
“Okay, I’ll go to that party with you tonight.”
His nostrils flared. “Good. I’m glad.”
And that was that.
Chapter 15
It shouldn’t have irked him that she had a gown ready to wear, and that that gown had been purchased with Jamie’s money…
It shouldn’t have, but it did.
Still, she looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning in the bright violet sheath that set off her hair and creamy skin. Combined with a leather lariat Samantha wore around her throat, that was tipped with a huge bulb of lapis lazuli on one end and a large turquoise on the other, she looked bright and fresh. Rich, without being ostentatious—and a lot of the female guests looked exactly that. Overdressed with all their gems and the stench of their perfume wafting around with them.
“Are you okay?” he asked, dipping down to whisper the words into her ear. Her scent was light and fresh, just like her—a breath of fresh air.
She blinked at him. “Of course.” Her ease in these situations surprised him.
It was almost like she’d been born for this role. There was no nervousness about her, no anxiety. She wore the tight-fitting dress like it was her second skin, and stood, shoulders straight and back long and tall, with a proud air that enticed him.
Her confidence came as a surprise now, considering her past. And again, thoughts of Jamie had him clenching his free hand in a fist. The other was holding hers, a surprising gesture on his part, one he’d made when they’d been stepping into the Anderson’s front door.
He wasn’t a tactile man, had never been tender or appreciated affection, but there was something about her…
And that something pissed him off if he were being honest.
He didn’t understand it, and wanted to…
“Are you okay?” she asked, staring up at him, a question in his eyes.
“I’m fine,” he told her tightly, quickly grabbing a flute from the tray of a server and downing it quickly.
“Sure. You don’t really look it.”
What could he say to that?
Sighing, he shrugged. “I’m just antsy.”