Page 56 of Believing Her
“Okay,” she whispered.
He smiled, relieved to his core that she’d agreed to… what?
Hell, what had he even been asking for?
He wasn’t sure, not really, just knew that he wanted more. That he wanted more of her, more time with her… time to figure out what they were feeling, time to see if this was as real as his terrifying emotions for her indicated.
Still, he didn’t say any of that. Just hugged her tighter into his arms and danced.
“Well, I didn’t expect to see you here tonight after you canceled, Joshua.”
Jasmine’s voice grated on his ears, but he was surprised to note that Samantha didn’t stiffen in his arms. What that meant, he wasn’t sure.
“I canceled on you, not on the event, Jasmine,” he told her coldly as he stopped dancing, and tucked his arm around Samantha’s waist. Hauling her close, he couldn’t have made it more obvious who he was with, and that they were definitely an item.
Jasmine narrowed her eyes, her dewy skin turning pale at the cold fire in his eyes. Still, the foolish bitch jerked her chin up with a self-righteous glower at him, and demanded, “You didn’t even have the decency to call me back.”
“We didn’t have that kind of arrangement,” he told her, polite now. “You and I both know that. We saw each other a handful of times…”
“And I spoke with your PA more than I did with you.” Jasmine’s words were bitter, and with Samantha so close, he found it in himself to feel guilty.
What must she think of him?
Still, she didn’t tense up as he’d feared, merely murmured, “Darling, don’t be a mistress, then, you’ll get more calls than booty calls.”
Jasmine’s eyes flared. “And what are you if not his mistress?”
Samantha’s smile was pure feline as she raised a hand and flickered her fingers. “Why, I’m his fiancée.”
Jasmine’s mouth dropped open. “His fiancée? You were seeing her while you were seeing me?”
“I saw you a handful of times,” he reiterated, not wanting Samantha to think otherwise. “And that was before Samantha and I even started seeing each other in this way.”
“Well, you’re a fool if you think you can change him. You’re a fool if you think he’s the marrying kind!” She gritted her teeth. “He’ll just use you and then discard you when you’re done.”
“Yes, very naughty of him, isn’t it? But then, dear, you should try not to be so disposable.”
For a second, Josh wasn’t sure what he’d heard, and he knew Jasmine was as perplexed too. She let out a shriek of outrage then stormed off, her stilettos clacking as she steamed ahead without looking back.
Samantha let out a deep sigh. “That was wicked of me.”
He coughed. “Perhaps. But it got rid of her.”
She peered up at him, her brow cocked. “I won’t let you treat me like that. You do know that, don’t you?”
His eyes were serious as he stared deeply into hers. “You’re night to her day.”
She pursed her lips. “Now he decides to be charming,” Samantha grumbled, and somehow, he knew they’d be okay.
Chapter 16
Two months later.
Erin’s eyes grew wider as the box was shuffled into the room by two, very large, delivery men. Though she was irritated by what was going on, Samantha couldn’t help but be amused at her son’s reaction. She wasn’t sure if he’d be more impressed by Superman flying into the room than he was by this behemoth gift that was slowly, but surely, being carried into the house.
The delivery men’s blue T-shirts, emblazoned with the slogans of the company they worked for, were drenched in sweat, and considering the size of the package in their hands, Samantha couldn’t entirely blame them for feeling the strain. Each breath was labored, and their cheeks were as bright pink as her angora sweater.