Page 11 of Make Me Crazy
I hunt around and find some coffee and make a pot while I cook up a double batch of pancakes. Just as I’m setting the table, she comes out, combing out her long hair, dressed in a plaid button-up shirt. Fuck me, that’s a hot look on her. She looks a little shy as she makes her way to the table and sits down.
“I hope whoever owns this place won’t mind that we’re eating his food and I’m borrowing his clothes.”
“I’m sure he’ll understand. Besides, we can pay him back.” I sit down across from her and dish up, then hand her the syrup that I found in the fridge.
“We should keep a tally so we’ll know exactly how much we owe him.”
I shrug, digging into my pancakes like a starving man, which I sort of am at the moment. “Or, we could just give him a hundred bucks and call it even.”
She has a bite and grins while she chews. After she swallows, she says, “You and I are complete opposites.”
“I noticed.”
“Am I making you as crazy as you’re making me?” she asks.
“Am I driving you crazy?” I smile because there’s a thin line between love and hate. And in my experience, some of the best sex comes from the latter of the two.
“Pretty much. When I first saw you, I figured you for a real diva. So far, you haven’t disappointed me yet.” I take another bite.
“A real diva?”
“Yeah, you know. Fussy. High maintenance. The type of woman to clutch her enormous makeup case and carry it for miles even when she’s shipwrecked on a deserted island.”
“Okay, I get the picture, thanks. You can stop now.” She gives me a sassy look. “Well, when I met you, I thought you were a real arrogant prick.”
“I am one.”
“No, you’re not. That’s what you want people to think, but you’re not.” The way she’s staring at me is so intense, it’s like she can see inside my mind.
The crazy thing is that I like it. For reasons I can’t explain, I want her to see who I am. I stare back, not at all sure what to even say. She’s right about me. I like to keep people at a distance. I’ve been like that ever since I got back from Afghanistan. I keep to myself and try not to get close to anyone because getting close to anyone ends in disaster. But, when I look into those blue eyes of hers, I can suddenly imagine letting someone in again.
We eat the rest of the food in silence, but something has shifted. There’s a tension between us now—an attraction that I know is going both ways.
When we’re done eating, she gets up and starts gathering the plates. “You cooked, I’ll do dishes.”
“Thanks. I think I’ll go hit the shower.” I get up and fight the urge to clear the table with one sweep of my arm and then lay her down on it so I can have my way with her.
As soon as I get into the shower, my cock goes rock hard, begging for release. Being around her for the past twenty-four hours has been torture. I grip my dick and tug hard over and over, thinking about her this morning sleeping with only my t-shirt on, those long, sexy legs of hers splayed open after she kicked off her covers. I wanted so badly to lift that shirt and suck on her breasts that I had to go for a long walk and relieve myself of that urge before I did something stupid. And now, here I am again, only a few hours later, trying to stay quiet while I come, her gorgeous face flashing through my brain.
When it’s over, I wash up and throw on my shorts, then go in search of Paige. I find her laying on the hammock outside, one foot on the ground as she rocks herself from side to side. She looks so calm which is a sharp contrast to how she was yesterday.
She turns her head and her eyes pop open and land directly on my abs. The look on her face gives me a bit of hope that maybe if we’re here a while, I’ll get what I want. But only if she wants to give it to me.
“You look relaxed,” I say.
“I realized there’s no point in fighting it, is there? We’re just going to have to wait until someone finds us, so we might as well enjoy ourselves.”
“Agreed. We’re stuck here in paradise, so we might as well enjoy it.” I hold out a beer to her and she takes it with a smile.
Feeling like a fool to stand here staring at her, I make my way over to the lounge chairs and stretch out, watching the tide come in and roll out as I sip my cold beer. Paradise. A cold beer, an ocean view, and a beautiful girl to enjoy it with. At this exact moment, I don’t care if we ever get rescued. After a minute, her shadow crosses over me as she makes her way to the lounger next to mine.
She lays down and turns to me with a grin. “I say we play a game.”
“What kind of game?”
“It’s called massage. I lay here and you rub my feet til I fall asleep.”
“Did that beer go to your head already, lightweight?”