Page 17 of Make Me Crazy
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’m really fucking glad we crashed,” he says.
“Me too. I mean, I wish it had happened on the way back from my sister’s wedding, but otherwise, I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my life.” My stomach growls and Mac laughs a little as it rumbles against his body.
“Hungry, baby?”
“A little.”
“Let’s get you some food.”
Chapter 10
I just caught and cleaned a good-sized snapper for our supper. Lucky, since it’s tough to catch fish after dark. Tomorrow, I’ll try to get to it sooner in the day. Paige is in the house making a big pot of rice, so it’ll be a simple but tasty meal for us. I wash up my hands at the sink on the outside of the house, then fire up the barbecue and get to work grilling the fish. There’s a working generator behind the house and a light above the grill so I can see what I’m doing. I smile to myself, thinking about Paige.
Even though she’s just in the house, I miss her. I know that’s stupid, but I can’t help myself. I want to be near her all the time. I can’t wait to sit with her and eat some supper and find out more about her, like for example, her age. I know it’s the wrong order of things, but when you’re stranded on a deserted island with someone, all bets are off. You do what you need to, and in my case, I needed to fuck her senseless.
The door opens and she walks out carrying some candles. “I thought we could eat outside on the porch.”
“Sounds perfect. Do you need any help setting the table?”
“No, thanks. I’ve got it.” She sets the candles down and walks over, wrapping her arms around me and ki
ssing me on the back while I cook. “Guess what? I found a mango tree behind the house and picked a nice ripe, juicy mango for our dessert.”
She hurries back into the house and I watch her go, enjoying her enthusiasm for our little meal. I like a girl who can appreciate the simple things in life and part of me wonders if she could get used to a life like this with me. I know she’s a big city girl, but maybe she’d be willing to slow down and live easy like me. I shake off the thought, deciding it’s too much to hope for.
We open a bottle of the wine from the fridge and eat by the light of the moon and the candles she set out. I’m content in a way I never have been before and it has everything to do with her.
“So, tell me about yourself, Paige,” I say, topping up her wine.
She picks it up and smiles, looking suddenly a little shy. “I don’t know where to start.”
“How old are you?”
My mouth drops open and I back my chair away from the table.
“Just fucking with you. I’m twenty-four.” She bursts out laughing.
“Not funny.”
“You can spank me later.” She winks at me, drawing out a grin from my lips. “How old are you?”
“Why aren’t you married?”
“Lots of reasons, I suppose. I joined the Marines when I was eighteen, so it’s not that easy to find the right girl among that crowd. Got sick of the Marine Corps life, so I retired early and moved down here so I could fly who I wanted when I wanted to fly.”
“Like me?”
I chuckle. “Exactly.”
“But, you must meet lots of women now with your job. How come you haven’t settled down?”
“I meet lots of horny tourists, but I’ve never met one I’ve wanted to keep.” I stare at her and swallow hard. Might as well man up and say it. “Until now.”