Page 3 of The Prince's Bride
Gabriel turns slightly red and glances at me for a moment. I can tell he's trying to decide whether to fess up or stick with the lie, so I raise one eyebrow at him.
Sighing, he says, "All right. He's my boss. Or more accurately, his parents are my employers."
I want to ask more but I know I shouldn’t be quite so curious about him. A guy like Henry is nothing but trouble for a girl like me. Besides, I don't even like him. He's basically everything I hate in a human being. Spoiled, entitled, and…well, I guess I can't say rude, can I? He was extreme
ly polite and helpful and very concerned when I fell. Chivalrous even. A gorgeous, built, chivalrous heir to some fortune. I suppose I could lower my standards to include a rich guy… "What is he? Heir to some big European company or something?"
"Something like that." Gabriel cuts the tip off a tiny bottle of skin glue with some surgical scissors, then carefully sets to work fixing up the largest gash on my hand. I turn toward the wall, unable to stomach watching any of this.
"Well, I suppose it really doesn't matter who he is. I don't really care for rich people much." I breathe out a slow, shaky breath, trying to force the tears pricking the back of my eyeballs to stay inside. This hurts like a mother freaker.
"Well, he certainly is very rich, but I don't think you'll find Henry bears much resemblance to the average well-to-do person."
"And why would that be?"
"Because very few rich kids have the weight of the world on their shoulders," Gabriel answers. "All done. Should be good as new in a few days." He quickly packs up his materials and steps to the door.
Giving me a little nod, he says, "I'll leave you to get changed, miss."
With that, he's gone before I can really ask what he means by the weight of the world thing. It doesn't really matter anyway, I remind myself. Mr. Rich Henry, heir to whatever, is very likely going to be gone by the time I have my apron on. And if he isn't, seeing me in it will definitely cause him to run.
Chapter 4
I decide to make good on my word and pull my textbook out of my knapsack. “Johan, would you be a mate and get me a coffee?"
"Very good, sir. As soon as Gabriel returns to watch over you."
"Thanks. And if you could cut back on the ‘sirs,’ that would be very useful. Oh, and I promise I won't tell anyone if you sit down at the table with me. It's really not all that convincing that were friends when you stand with your back to me everywhere we go."
"Sorry sir… err, Henry. I'll try to look more casual." He remains standing but leans on the booth, bending his right leg and crossing it in front of his left ankle.
The effect is such that I now look like I have a strange overprotective boyfriend which quite frankly is not the look I'm going for here. I sigh to myself then open my textbook, pretending to read while I'm really just wondering how long Gabriel is going to take with the lovely Addison. The thought of her causes a hum of electricity through my body. The feeling of her soft skin against my fingers, her gorgeous heart-shaped face, her slightly wild, curly brunette hair that conjures an image of what she would look like after a few hours rolling around in the sheets together. The thought of that has my crown jewels tightening up and my sceptre growing hard. And I find myself wondering what it would take to impress the panties off a girl like her.
A moment later, Gabriel appears and stands next to me. Johan walks to the counter to place my order and I take the opportunity to pump Gabriel for some info about Addison.
“How’s her hand?”
“She’ll be fine.”
“Thank you for helping her,” I say. “Did she say anything about me?”
“Umm…not really,” he answers, shaking his head. “Well, she did ask who you are. She must be bright. She knew I wasn’t a student. Also guessed that you’re an heir to some type of fortune.”
“It’s the ear pieces, isn’t it?”
“Quite possibly, yes. She also noticed my gun holster.”
“Did you learn anything else about her?”
“She hates rich people.”
“Ah, perfect,” I say with a sigh.
Chapter 5