Page 7 of The Prince's Bride
She blushes, then says, “That sounded stupid. Forget I said that.”
Taking the steps two at a time, I stop at the stair below her so we’re the same height. Before I can think about it, I reach up, cupping her jaw with one hand, and give her a kiss that tells her she’ll see me tomorrow.
It’s been nearly three weeks since I started spending my evenings at Perks, and in that time, two remarkable things have happened. I’ve turned into a good student for once in my life—now having someone to impress on the basis of my own accomplishments—and I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen in love with the woman I want to spend my life with. Addison is all I can think about from the moment I wake until I fall asleep at night. I want to know her opinion of every subject under the sun, I want to know about everything that’s ever happened to her, every person she’s ever met before me. I think of her lovely smile and her laugh and the way she speaks. I think of her curves and how badly I want to undress her and explore every inch of her beautiful body and bury my cock into her. But not just to sleep with—to make her mine forever.
We haven’t gone beyond our goodnight kiss at the door, although we now hold hands the entire way to her apartment. Somehow it’s enough for me. I want to take it slow with her because when we’re finally together that way, I want her to know it’s the start of something real and lasting. With her troubled past, I know she’s going to need me to take my time.
Trust doesn’t come easily to her and I understand that feeling because I’m exactly the same way. When you grow up as rich and important as me, you have a hard time figuring out who’s a friend because they like you and who’s there so they can say they know you.
Tomorrow is Saturday and I’m working up the courage to ask her on a real date. Strange for me to have to work up the courage to do anything, really. Everything else in my life has come too easily, but not her. She’s making me work for her affection and I intend to do it.
I watch from my booth as she finishes counting up the cash for the night. Over the past days, she’s finally decided it’s all right if we stay for that bit. She crinkles up her eyebrows in the most adorable way when she does math, and I find myself smiling like a fool.
“Stop watching me,” she says without looking up.
“Sorry, it can’t be helped.”
“Yes, it can. I thought you were supposed to be studying.”
“Yes, well, it’s hard to concentrate when I’m in the presence of such unbridled beauty.”
“Unbridled beauty?” Addison laughs. “Is that a fancy way of telling me my hair is a mess?”
I get up and walk over to the counter, leaning my arms on it so I can be near her. “It’s my way of making sure you know how beautiful you are.”
“That’s good stuff, Your Highness. You should really keep that up.” She leans over and holds her lips just a fraction of an inch from mine.
“I intend to,” I murmur, closing the distance between us and giving her a lingering kiss.
Addison pulls back first, blushing and gesturing with her head at Gabriel and Johan, who are both standing near the door now, facing the street.
“Don’t worry about them,” I
whisper. “They’re hoping we end up together.”
She laughs again, then says, “Are they now?”
Nodding, I say. “They are. They’re both really big on romance.”
“It seems like their boss is too.”
Grinning, I say, “Yes, him too.” I swallow, feeling stupid to be so nervous about asking her on a real date. Then I plunge in before I can change my mind. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Saturday is laundry and studying day.”
“That’s a shame because I happen to have two tickets to Fenway to see the Sox and I really hoped to bring you.”
Her eyes light up with excitement. “Seriously?”
“Seriously, but if you’d rather be at the Suds ‘n Spin, I completely understand.” I say in a mock disappointed voice.
“Laundry can wait.”
Chapter 7