Page 17 of If We Ever Meet Again (If Love 1)
“I didn’t say that.”
“You were thinking it.”
She helped him gather up used utensils and napkins. “Now, the arrogance part, I got right.”
“I’m blessed with an abundance of confidence. Besides, I know you think I’m awesome.”
“Oh, really? How?”
Blake pointed at the clock. “You spent the whole night with me.”
Farrah’s mouth opened and closed like a goldfish’s.
After Blake stopped laughing and dodged a swat from a red-faced Farrah, they disposed of the trash and collected their belongings. He turned off the library lights and followed Farrah into the stairwell.
He paused on the third-floor landing outside the girls’ hall. In the distance, a car door slammed, and laughter filtered through the stairwell window.
“Good night.” Farrah’s gaze tipped up to his. The moonlight reflected in her eyes, and Blake’s heart did that weird skipping thing again.
“Good night.”
She was so close. If he moved forward a few inches…
No. Nuh-uh. Don’t even think about it, buddy. One kiss is not worth ruining your year over. Even if it’d be a helluva kiss.
Blake cleared his throat and stepped backward, breaking the spell. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yes.” Farrah, too, stepped back, widening the gap between them. “See you later.”
Chapter Five
“This is hell.” Kris surveyed the happiest place on earth the way Anna Wintour would survey an outfit from Walmart. In her $500 jeans and Chanel top, she couldn’t have looked more out of place amongst the hordes of screaming children and frazzled parents.
Nearby, a little boy held an ice cream cone in one hand and picked his nose with the other while his parents tried to calm his sister, who cried so hard her face turned scarlet.
Kris shuddered and slipped on her sunglasses like they could protect her from reality.
“Cheer up, Kris. We’re at Disneyland!” Courtney sang. “The most magical place in the world.”
“Magical, my ass. The only magical thing about this place is how many terrible outfits they’ve crammed into one park. It’s like an outdoor convention for the poorly dressed.”
Farrah turned her head so Kris couldn’t see her laugh. Kris was one of her closest friends in FEA, but she lived in her own little world sometimes.
Farrah’s gaze landed on Blake, who chatted with Luke and Sammy off to the side. Blake was friends with Luke, who was friends with Courtney, which meant Blake was a de facto member of their group.
Farrah was still trying to figure him out. Sometimes, she glimpsed something deeper beneath his cocky playboy persona—a vulnerability that flickered over his face when he thought no one was looking. Then, with the wink of an eye and a smile, it was gone.
Blake’s gaze met hers. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Farrah’s residual smile faded when Blake walked over and slung an arm over her shoulders. The gesture made her heart flutter in a way she did not like. At all.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm. You look cold.”
“It’s seventy-five degrees.” Farrah shrugged Blake’s arm off her shoulder. To her surprise, goosebumps rippled over her skin. After the warmth of Blake’s embrace, the park felt like a tundra.
Damn him.