Page 58 of Rend (Riven 2)
I had fantasized about this but never stayed asleep long enough to make it happen. Guess I’d found the silver lining of weeks of nightmares and insomnia: being conked out enough to wake up being fucked by your husband’s huge cock. That was optimism for ya.
“Oh!” I gasped.
Rhys groaned, burying himself all the way inside me. “Morning,” he said and kissed me. We kissed slow and deep, tongues tangling, hips moving. I was still half-asleep, my body loose and heavy. Rhys moving inside me was a pulsing, dreamy heat, and I didn’t want it to ever end.
I curled my knees to my chest to get him deeper and closed my eyes. I was in a perfect bubble of warmth and pleasure, and I wanted to shut out everything in the world that wasn’t Rhys’s hands on my body, Rhys’s mouth on mine, Rhys’s cock inside me.
As we fucked, I grabbed at every part of him I could reach, inching us closer and closer until we were wrapped up so tightly we could hardly move and all we could do was rock together.
I felt each subtle shift of our bodies. The pressure at my entrance where the root of Rhys’s erection kept me open. The deep, throbbing sweetness of my muscles clenching and relaxing around the penetration. The lightning bright crackles of pleasure when he rubbed over my prostate. Then the haze cleared, and he laid my feet flat on his chest and thrust into me hard.
We were slick with sweat, hands grasping, chests heaving, and when I looked up at Rhys I saw a blond, fire-eyed beast just waiting for permission to consume me.
“Rhys, fuck me, please yes, fuck me.”
His eyelids fluttered like he was overwhelmed with lust, and then he was driving into me so hard I saw stars. I let him take over my body, every muscle going shaky.
“Oh God, baby, you’re so fucking hot like this,” Rhys rumbled. “Letting me have you like this. I want you to come on my cock. Wanna feel you squeeze all around me. That tight little hole, gorgeous ass, yeah.”
I groaned and lost track of what he was saying, just wanting it all to keep going. Rhys bit at my shoulder and sucked at my neck, and then his big, callused hand closed over my cock and I was gone. He stripped me to the rhythm of his thrusts, the pleasure swelling like a bubble just on the edge of popping. I was groaning into his mouth and he was sucking my tongue and jerking me and fucking me and then the bubble burst and I was screaming my orgasm, pleasure wracking me.
I shot into his hand and over my stomach and my ass clenched, and then Rhys came, shouting and twitching and sinking his teeth into my neck. He groaned weakly as he came down and pressed a kiss to the bite mark on my neck. As he slid out of me, he gathered me to him, and we breathed together, sweaty chests heaving, muscles slowly relaxing, heartbeats finally slowing.
“That okay?” he asked, and I huffed out a laugh.
“Uh, that was awesome,” I said. “Didn’t you notice?”
His grin was endearingly proud. “Yeah. I just meant, the beginning. You wanted to wake up with me already inside you, but we’d never managed it before. Just checking.”
I slid my hand into his sweaty hair and looked at his chest. “It was great. I felt like . . . part of you.”
“You are part of me.” He stated it so matter-of-factly that it took me a second to process. Then my heart started pounding and my breathing went all wonky and I felt a magnitude of joy so great my body didn’t know how to contain it. Rhys ran his palm up and down my spine. “You’re mine,” he whispered, gathering me closer, and I let myself drift back to sleep on a sea of his smell.
* * *
We stayed in bed until late afternoon, Rhys finally dragging me out from under the covers with promises of coffee and breakfast. My growling stomach liked that idea but there was a small problem.
“Uh, we kinda . . . don’t have any food.”
“What, all out of Chef Boyardee?” Rhys teased, and I flipped him off, but the truth was that we were.
“Okay, you make the coffee, and I’ll run to the store and grab the essentials.” He dropped a kiss on my hair and tugged on last night’s worn jeans and snap front denim shirt. I loved the way that shirt stretched tight across his shoulders so I could see the play of muscles in his back.
“Anything specific you want?” I shook my head. “Okay, back in a bit.”
The second his foot hit the first step, my heart started to pound and I felt light-headed with panic.