Page 4 of Risk (Vault 1)
We fall into silence, each watching the other for a few moments. I don’t know about him, but I could stay like this for a long time. Even with my ass hanging out the back of my dress. He’s managed to calm me in a way not many people do. I’m usually all anxiety and stress around people, and while I started out that way with
him, he’s eased my taut edges.
However, Poppy has other ideas. Or, should we say, other needs that prove far more important than me ogling Owen.
“Charlize! Where are you, girl? I neeeeed you!”
The sound of her heels clicking on the tiles fill the bathroom, coming closer to the toilet at the end where Owen and I are. Always the last cubicle—I never choose any other than that one. Even if I have to wait in line longer for it to become free.
“Oh, good, there you are.” She stops short for a second before adding, “Ummm, why are you standing in a toilet cubicle with Owen?”
My eyes meet Owen’s briefly before we both glance at my cousin. “He was, ah, helping me with something.”
Her face scrunches into a frown. “Is that code for like, sex?”
I figure it’s easier to show her than to try to tell her what happened. I turn so she can see my back. “I ripped my dress. Owen came to rescue me. We were just in the middle of getting my emergency kit out of my bag.” Well, kind of.
Poppy retrieves my bag from the floor and passes it to me. “Hate to break it to you, Charles, but I don’t think even your emergency kit can fix that dress.”
My kit is world-renowned. In my world, that is. Whenever I’m out with friends, it’s me they come to for any little emergency. I’ve never once failed to fix a situation. “I am not a quitter,” I declare loudly as I rummage in my bag, searching for something to save my ass from my mother’s eyes.
“Aunt Joan is going to have a conniption when she sees your dress.”
I stop what I’m doing momentarily and hit Poppy with a glare. “I know! Why do you think I’m losing my shit over here?”
She returns my glare. “Don’t snap at me. I’m just the messenger. And besides, we don’t have time for this. I need you to come work your magic.”
My eyes bulge. “Do I look like I’m in any state to go anywhere with you?” It’s a good thing Poppy and I are as close as sisters, otherwise our relationship would disintegrate fairly quickly with the way we snap and snarl at each other sometimes.
“I don’t care what state you’re in! My shares have just crashed, and I need you to come and help me fix it!”
Oh. God.
Poppy has millions tied up in shares. I usually advise her on it, but about six months ago, Dougall insisted on her hiring his friend to take over her portfolio. Something about me not being qualified enough for him. Whatever. I told her to keep the peace and let the dude take over while I watched from the sidelines. About a month ago, he insisted she dump a tonne of cash into a company I didn’t think she should, but Dougall stepped in and told her again to stop listening to me. I get it, she was in between a rock and a hard place, but now it seems that maybe the advice was bad.
“Duttons?” I ask to clarify what I am already guessing.
She nods. “Yes. I should never have listened to Tom.”
Owen cuts in at this point. He’s been silently watching our conversation up until now. “Tom Dooley recommended you buy Dutton shares?”
Poppy looks at him. “Yes. Do you know Tom? I thought he ran in different circles to you.”
“I know of him. I’ve heard that his deals have been going bad.”
Poppy’s shoulders slump as she glances back at me. “Bloody Dougall. I should never have let him convince me.”
My mind is already swinging into action. “Okay, there’s gotta be a way up to my room without anyone seeing my ass. You can walk behind me and—”
Owen shrugs out of his jacket and hands it to me. “Here, wear this. It’ll cover everything you need it to.”
I want to kiss him.
Well, let’s be real, I already wanted that.
Now, I want to kiss him and hump his leg.
Okay, okay, I wanted that before, too.