Page 38 of Kayla's Cowboy
At least the kids seemed at ease with each other, and they ate piles of food, making Elizabeth glow.
“That was terrific, Grams,” Kayla told her as they quickly did the dishes in the kitchen.
“It’s wonderful having children to feed again.”
“So why hasn’t Uncle Peter gotten married and given you more grandkids?”
“He was engaged years ago, but his fiancée died. He’s never found anyone else.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Kayla said, glad she hadn’t teased her uncle about his single status. She collected her purse and made a quick check to be sure she and the kids hadn’t left something behind that they’d need, while Elizabeth did the same. Then they locked the door and came out to where Hank had pulled the RV around to the front of the house.
“Hey, Mom,” DeeDee exclaimed, “Morgan wants to ride with us. Is that okay?”
“It’s up to her father.”
Disappointment flashed across Jackson’s face, but he quickly rallied. “It’s fine if she wears a seat belt.”
“We have three places in the back of the RV with belts,” Hank told him, sending a worried look at Kayla.
But Kayla had already read the handwriting on the wall—with only three seat belts in the back and her grandparents in the front, she’d have to ride in the SUV.
“Looks as if you’re stuck with me,” she told Jackson cheerfully, not wanting the kids to guess she’d rather be anywhere else.
Alex chewed his lip and seemed torn; he probably hadn’t realized the outcome of their invitation to Morgan.
Kayla winked at him to smooth over the moment. “Give the grandparents a break, you guys, and keep the noise down.” Then with a silent groan, she climbed into the Suburban’s front passenger seat.
* * *
THOUGH JACKSON HAD known Alex expected to ride in his great-grandparents’ RV, a part of him had hoped for more. Nevertheless, he smiled in Morgan and Alex’s direction and asked the Garrisons to take the lead.
Grimly he followed the RV out of town and onto the small highway.
“Do you honestly think trying to get acquainted with a teenager at fifty-five miles an hour would be that effective?” Kayla asked after a while, her voice sardonic.
“Of course not. But the morning didn’t start well—Morgan and I had a royal battle when I told her that our German shepherd couldn’t come with us.”
“Why? I’ve seen pets in the national parks.”
“So have I, but I didn’t look up the rules for Yellowstone until late last night. Dogs have to be leashed at all times. Even worse, Cory couldn’t come on the trails and he’d be miserable being left in camp or in the Suburban. So right now Morgan is probably telling Alex that I’m cruel and inhumane for leaving her dog behind. It isn’t as if I tied Cory in the backyard with nothing but a sack of food and bowl of scummy water,” he said indignantly. “My foreman is taking care of him.”
“Maybe you could have a park ranger explain the rules when we get there.”
Jackson grimaced. “I doubt she’ll pay any attention. I just hope by not objecting to the riding arrangements, it will help Alex be more comfortable with me.”
“It would also help if you stop doing an impression of a pressure cooker getting ready to blow,” Kayla advised.
“I don’t do that.”
“Really? I’ve been hoping my seat has an emergency ejection system installed.”
He released a harsh breath, knowing she had a point. His frustration wasn’t just about Alex. It went back to the prior summer when Morgan had suddenly become angry and defiant for no apparent reason. His mother said teenagers went through phases, but he couldn’t help thinking it was more than a phase.
Under the circumstances, maybe it was best the kids had gone in the other vehicle.
Jackson tried to relax and concentrate on the road. Hank Garrison appeared to be a good driver, and it was less tedious than expected to follow the RV. If they kept up a good pace, they should reach Yellowstone by early afternoon.
An hour out, Kayla pulled a bottle of water from the tote bag at her feet.
“Want some?” she asked.
“Sure, thanks.”
Silence returned. But now that he’d unwound a little, he started noticing other things...such as how long and smooth Kayla’s legs were beneath her black shorts. Her lightly tanned skin sloped over sleek muscles and then tapered into extremely nice ankles, and her aqua T-shirt hugged curves that were exactly right.
Hell. He did not need to keep noticing Kayla’s physical attractions, but the reminder didn’t stop him from observing the soft, dark auburn hair brushing the curve of her cheek and falling over her collar bone. He liked long hair. When so many girls at high school had sported short pixie cuts, Kayla had stood out with her flowing auburn locks.