Page 30 of Already Gone
“Thanks. I didn’t have a lot of time to get ready. Who was that?”
“Maryanne Thompson. Her cat was stuck in a tree.”
“That’s a little cliché, isn’t it?”
She probably put her pet in the tree on purpose. Poor thing.
Tucker shrugs and kisses the spot below my ear, causing me to shiver. “I just responded to the call.”
“Isn’t that something a firefighter would normally take care of?” I ask, tilting my head a little to the side so he has more room to keep kissing me.
“The department was already on a call. Are you jealous?”
“No,” I scoff, shaking my head. “I don’t get jealous. It’s not part of my DNA.”
“Good.” His hand slides over my thigh, and through the thin material of my dress, I can feel his warmth. All thoughts of Maryanne and her cat fly right out the window. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since our kiss.”
I drag in a ragged breath and look around. We’re in a corner, and no one is paying us any attention. There sure as heck isn’t any paparazzi around, and the tablecloth reaches the floor.
I part my legs, allowing his hand to drop between them.
Tucker’s eyes fly to mine, a mischievous grin on his handsome face. “You always were a little wild.”
“Not much has changed.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” he whispers, capturing my lips in another kiss. “Everything has changed.”
His hand inches higher and higher, lifting my dress with its ascent, and… Oh, God. Come on, Tucker, just do it already.
I’m so freaking turned on. If we weren’t in a busy restaurant, I’d climb on top of him and take over.
“Tucker Andrews, is that you?”
Seriously? We’re interrupted, again, this time by a brunette with big, brown eyes and fake boobs bigger than Dolly’s.
“Hey, Darla.”
Dolly, Darla. Darla, Dolly. Close enough.
The difference is, I adore Dolly. She’s always been nothing but sweet to me. Writing Whiskey and Roses with her three years ago was one of the biggest honors of my life.
Darla, however, can take a long walk off a short pier. How dare she think it’s okay to just walk up and interrupt two people when they’re…okay, so maybe she didn’t exactly know what she was interrupting. But, still. It’s rude.
And something that happens to me all the damn time, which is why I sit back and take a deep breath.
“I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you out of your uniform. You’re usually always on duty. Casual looks good on you.” Darla props her hands on her hips, showcasing her impressive breasts, and really, I want to laugh.
But I’m not a mean girl.
I am, however, a little territorial, and she needs to step back.
“He surprised me with a night out,” I say, taking Tuck’s hand in mine. I kiss his shoulder and smile up at her. “Isn’t that sweet?”
Darla’s smile falters as she looks at our hands. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Scarlett Kincaid. I heard you were in town.”
I tilt my head to the side. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. Are you from around here?”
She nods smugly and licks her lips as her eyes fall to Tucker. “Born and raised, but you probably don’t remember me from school. I’m quite a bit younger than you.”
“Ah. Well, I’m sure there are men your own age around here somewhere. Now, if you don’t mind, we’d like to get back to our date.”
I smile innocently, and Darla scowls, looking at Tucker to save her.
“It was nice seeing you, Darla. Enjoy your evening,” he says, dismissing her in the nicest possible way.
Her jaw drops, and then she huffs away.
“You don’t get jealous, huh? Your brown eyes are looking a bit green, sweetheart.”
I shrug my bare shoulder. “I mean, I’m sitting right here. They can flirt with you when I’m not around.”
He kisses my temple just as our waitress arrives.
“Hey, Tucker. Scarlett.” She pulls a pad of paper out of the pocket on her apron. “What can I get y’all tonight?”
“Lasagna, extra bread,” I inform her, fully intending to spend the morning working out to burn off the extra carbs.
“Two of those,” Tucker says.
“Two sweet teas,” Tucker replies before I can respond, and then the waitress is gone, weaving her way through the full tables. “You don’t have anything to be jealous of.”
“I told you, I’m not jealous,” I lie easily, sipping my water.
“No. Not at all.” He laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer to him. “You’re the poster child for calm and collected.”
“I know.”
He laughs now and kisses my cheek. Affectionate Tucker is new. He wasn’t this handsy when he was seventeen. Then again… I didn’t give him the chance to be.
I like it.
A lot.
“You have good hands,” I inform him, running my fingers over his knuckles.
“Keep touching me like that, and I’ll have to show you just how good they can be,” he breathes, and the entire room falls away, leaving just the two of us.