Page 40 of Already Gone
Alexis’s gaze lands on all of us before it returns to her sister. “I don’t know.”
“Please.” Scarlett rests a hand on her sister’s forearm. “It would mean a lot to me if you’d stay. I haven’t gotten to see the kids in a long time, and I’d really like to spend some time with them.”
I’m about to tell Alexis to swallow her fucking pride when she finally relents. “Fine, we’ll stay. Jason got called in to work today, so it’s just the kids and me.”
“Yay!” Scarlett squeals and throws her arms around her sister. Alexis, however, doesn’t return the sentiment. Her arms hang limply at her sides.
“Is it just me, or does Alexis look constipated?” Dean murmurs, softly enough for only me to hear.
I punch him in the arm, and he laughs. “What? She does,” he whispers. “That woman needs a beer and a good, hard fuck.”
“Dinner was great, sweetheart.” Rick tosses his napkin on the table and rubs his belly.
“Thanks, Daddy.” Scarlett grabs his plate and kisses the top of his head. After putting his plate in the sink, she turns to grab mine, but I shake my head and stand up.
“No, ma’am. You cooked. You’re not cleaning up after me.”
“The dishes can wait,” Rick declares. “It’s too nice outside to spend the evening indoors. Let’s take this to the deck. Chloe, I’ll take you in a game of rummy.”
“You’re on, old man,” she says.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Dean pushes away from the table and deposits his plate in the sink. “Rick, do you have any beer?”
“There’s probably a few in the refrigerator. Grab me one, too.”
“Daddy, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alexis says.
Rick cuts a hand through the air. “One beer isn’t going to kill me.”
Chloe, Rick, and Dean move outside to the deck. Scarlett’s niece and nephew go to follow, but she stops them.
“Wait. I have something for you two,” Scarlett says, ignoring Alexis when she rolls her eyes.
Scarlett disappears and returns a minute later with two perfectly wrapped gifts. She hands one to Lucy and one to Declan.
“You didn’t have to get them anything,” Alexis says, crossing her arms over her chest.
Scarlett doesn’t look at her sister when she responds, she’s too focused on the kids, who are plowing through the shiny wrapping paper. “I know I didn’t. I don’t see them very often, and since I wasn’t invited to their birthday parties, I thought I’d pick them up a little something.”
She wasn’t invited to their birthday parties? I knew things were rough between the sisters, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.
“You sent them each a thousand dollars on their birthday.”
“That was for their piggy bank. Today, they get their gifts.”
“Cool!” Declan yells, holding up a white box with a picture of an iPad on the front.
“Yes! This is so awesome,” Lucy says. “My very own iPad. I asked for one last Christmas, and Mom told me no.”
“Thank you, Aunt Scarlett,” they both say, wrapping their aunt in a hug.
“You’re so welcome. The iPads are already set up and loaded with lots of games and age-appropriate books, and there’s a five-hundred-dollar credit on each tablet so you can buy some more fun games and things.”
“You’re the best.” Lucy hugs her one more time and then nudges Declan. “Come on, let’s go show Grandpa.”
The smile on Scarlett’s face is priceless as she watches them bounce out of the house. Her love for those kids is endless, and anyone can see it. Except maybe Alexis, who looks like she wants to throttle her sister.
“Are you trying to make me look bad?” Alexis says.
“No.” Scarlett shakes her head, her beautiful smile falling into a frown. “I’m trying to buy them a gift. I never get to see them.”
“Oh, that’s right, you just buy everyone’s love.”
“Alexis,” I warn.
Scarlett looks at me with glossy eyes. “Will you give me a minute alone with my sister?”
Is she fucking crazy? I don’t trust Alexis as far as I can throw her. I’m about to tell her just that when Scarlett says, “Please.”
“Fine.” I kiss her softly, a reminder that I’m here if she needs me, and I have her back, and then I give Alexis a pointed look and step out of the room. I don’t go far because I want to be here in case Alexis turns into an even bigger bitch.
I hover in the hall, close enough to catch every word.
“I always let you walk all over me, and I’m done. God, Alexis, I can’t do anything right with you. Everything I say and do is wrong,” Scarlett says.
“Would you just shut up for one minute and let me talk?” Scarlett says, interrupting Alexis.
Damn, it turns me on when she stands up for herself. I adjust my crotch. Down, boy.
“I don’t know how to make you happy. You get pissy because I don’t see the kids enough, but when I try to spend time with them, you don’t let me.”