Page 7 of Already Gone
“A guy I used to know. He pulled me over on my way into town.”
I tell Sue the story, and she immediately laughs.
“Okay, so it’s funny now, but it wasn’t then.”
“I’m just glad you’re there safe and sound, and that Rick’s going to be okay.”
“Me, too.”
“Now, what do you need?”
I stare around the room, suddenly feeling a little lost. My dad’s house has been updated. Last year, he called to let me know that he needed some new plumbing and electrical work, and I took the opportunity to remodel a bit. So, the house is comfortable, and we shouldn’t have any issues there.
“I don’t think I need anything right away,” I reply, thinking about it. “I have a lot of clothes with me. I brought my laptop and guitar so I can write. Oh, I know.”
“Name it.”
“I rented a car in Charleston, but since I’m here indefinitely, I’m going to need a more permanent mode of transportation. I’ll see if Dad will let me drive his around since he won’t be cleared for driving for a while.”
“Want me to arrange for the rental company to come and get the car?”
“Yeah.” I sigh and rub my hand over my eyes. Shit, I’m tired. “Thanks. Thanks for everything, Sue.”
“Hey, this is what I do, remember?”
“You’re good at it.”
“I know.” I can hear the smile in her voice. “Don’t worry about anything at all. Go take care of your dad, and just holler if you need me.”
“Will do.”
We hang up, and I sigh again. My room hasn’t changed since I left town. My old cheerleading uniform still hangs in the closet, my homecoming queen tiara rests on a shelf, and there’s even makeup sitting on the vanity.
A photo tucked in the corner of my mirror catches my attention. I walk over to get a closer look. When I realize it’s a picture of Tucker and me, I pick it up. A thick coat of dust hides Tucker’s wide smile. Using my thumb, I wipe it away, remembering the day the photo was taken. Daddy took us fishing at old man Langerman’s pond. I caught a fish on my first cast. Tucker wrapped his arm around my shoulders, congratulating me at the same time Daddy captured the moment.
With a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth, I tuck the photo back where it was and blow out a long breath. I wasn’t expecting to see that. Hell, I wasn’t expecting to see any of this.
It’s as if I took a short trip, and Dad expected me to come right back.
Maybe he had, preparing for if the Nashville thing didn’t work out.
I shake my head and decide to leave my past in the past for now. After checking the bathroom for towels, I pull fresh sheets out of a closet and dress the bed.
Once that’s finished, I walk down to find Dad asleep in front of the TV. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he’s snoring softly.
My God, what would I have done if this hadn’t been a little stroke? What if I’d lost him?
The enormity of the last twenty-four hours hits me, and I just hang my head in my hands and let the tears come.
“Hey, baby girl, what’s wrong?”
I look up in surprise and wipe the tears from my cheeks.
“You were sleeping.”
“Nah, I was just resting my eyes,” he says with a wink. We both know that’s a little white lie.
“I guess I’m just tired,” I say and then sigh and sit next to him on the couch, holding his hand, noting his weak grip. “Everything just kind of hit me.”
“It’s been a busy day,” he agrees. “Thank you, Scar. For being here.”
“Nowhere else I’d rather be,” I remind him. “But if you wanted me to come home, you could have just asked. This seems a bit dramatic.”
He chuckles and tries to squeeze my hand. “I’ll remember that next time.”
~ Tucker ~
“You didn’t ID her.”
“Didn’t need to,” Scooter says, grinning as he watches the young blonde strut away.
My cousin is nothing if not a ladies’ man. He has more charm in his pinky than most men have period. The problem is, he doesn’t know when to shut it off, and his boyish grin has gotten him into trouble more than once.
“Damn it, Scooter. I’m off duty tonight. The last thing I want to do is watch another officer haul you off to jail.”
“No, the last thing you want to do is bail me out.”
“That, too.” I don’t smile back at him when he tries to use his charm on me.
“Well, don’t worry about either one of those. She’s over twenty-one.”
“How do you know? You didn’t even card her.”
“The same way I know about the birthmark on her right inner thigh, and how I know she likes to scream out that I’m her Big Daddy when she’s about to—”