Page 7 of Daddy's Rich Enemy
When I still don’t answer, Dane smirks and shakes his head. “Shy now, are we?”
I flush and shake my head. “I’m always shy,” I say honestly.
Dane stares at me for a long moment. In the muted sunlight of the Town Car, his blue eyes are sparkling like sapphires. There’s an intensity in his gaze that I’ve never seen before, not even in my father when he talks about business. No doubt about it, there’s something special and different about this man. I feel an over
whelming urge to make him like me. There’s no way I can tell him about my botched interview at his company – what would he think of me then?
“It was nothing,” I lie. “I just had a really long day.”
Dane nods. “I understand,” he says. He raises an eyebrow at me. “Do you realize that you still haven’t given me your name?”
A warm flush spreads across my cheeks and I bite my lip anxiously. “I’m Allie,” I say after a long pause. “Allie Carter.”
Dane takes my hand again. Compared to his massive paw, my hand looks positively tiny and childlike. I think he’s going to shake my hand, but instead he lifts it to his mouth and kisses my fingers. Dane’s hot breath caresses my skin and an electric thrill shoots down my spine. I don’t know if it’s the exhilaration from having failed so spectacularly or the adrenaline rush of being picked up by a guy like Dane, but I can feel myself starting to get wet.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Allie,” Dane says in a low growl that sends another shiver of arousal through my body.
I’m blushing as I pull my hand away.
“So, where am I taking you?”
“I should probably get a train home from Grand Central,” I say softly. “You don’t have to drive me all the way. I don’t live in the city.”
Dane nods. “Are you in school?”
I gulp and nod. “Yeah. I go to Tate. I’m a journalism major.” Telling Dane about myself, even in little tidbits like this, feels good. I know there’s no way a man like him really cares about my life, but it’s been a long time since anyone asked me about myself.
“Tate is a good school,” Dane muses. “Are you thirsty?”
Before I can reply, Dane leans forward and opens a small cabinet. Inside is a bottle of Dom Perignon on ice and two crystal champagne flutes. I can’t help but giggle as Dane opens the bottle and pours a healthy splash of champagne into each glass. Allie Carter, drinking champagne with the CEO of Lockdown? What would my father say?
“To new friends,” Dane said as he hands me my flute. My hands are shaking as we clink glasses. When I drink, the champagne tastes like liquid honey on my tongue.
“To new friends,” I echo softly.
Dane smiles as he tops off my glass. All the stress and unhappiness from my bad day are melting away as I sip at my champagne. It’s crazy, but things seem to have gone from bad to unbelievably good in just a matter of moments.
“So, did you always know that you wanted to be a journalist?” Dane looks at me with penetrating blue eyes.
I shake my head. “No. In fact, to be honest, I’m still not sure what I want to do. I’m only a junior, so I’ve got a year and a half left, but it’s all going so fast.”
Dane nods wisely. “I didn’t go to a four-year school. I went to night school, but things were a lot different back then.” He raises an eyebrow at me and smirks. “I bet things have changed a lot in the last twenty years.” His comment catches me off guard and for a moment, all I can do is blink. This gorgeous creature put himself through school? And just how old is he, anyway?
“If you’re wondering, I’m ancient,” Dane says archly. “A far cry from your classmates, I’m sure.”
“A welcome change,” I say honestly. “I’ve always gotten on better with people who are older than me.”
Dane smiles briefly, then sighs. “My building is a long way from the Tate campus,” he says. “What were you doing in my part of the city?”
His question makes me smile. Of course, his part of the city. Like he’s so rich that he owns an entire borough. But my smile fades when I realize that I’m probably not far off from the truth. Dane is clearly mega-rich. He can probably do anything he wants any time he wants. Maybe he only offered me a ride because he was bored.
“I was just taking a walk,” I lie.
Dane snorts. “I’m sure,” he says smoothly. “Allie, you can trust me. It’s okay.” He leans closer and a wave of deliciously musky cologne washes over me. We’re inches apart and I can feel my breath coming in little pants. I’ve never been this close to someone so gorgeous before and my heart is thudding in my chest. What is he doing? Why is he so interested in me?
Oh my gosh, is he going to kiss me?
The frantic, aroused thoughts keep running through my head as Dane puts his arm around my shoulders. He strokes the back of my neck with his thumb and I have to bite my lip to keep from gasping as pleasure shoots through my whole body. Everything in me is yearning to be closer to Dane, to press my lips to his and wrap my arms around his neck for a passionate kiss. “Not going to tell me, are we?” Dane growls in a low whisper.