Page 14 of Owning His Virgin
“I’m sorry. I’m so emotional. I’m pregnant and I can’t control it these days,” I say, standing to grab a paper towel from the stack on the counter.
“You’re pregnant? Oh my God! We have to celebrate,” she says excitedly. “I love babies.”
“I’d like that,” I say, wondering why everyone I’ve met here is so fucking nice. You just don’t find that anywhere else. I’ve been all over Mexico and the USA and never found anyone as nice as the people in this tiny town.
“A baby shower, for sure.”
“The Crawford’s and Migan threw me one already.”
“They did? They didn’t say. Well, it’s never too early to plan for a second one. Babies need so much stuff.”
“I’ve heard that, especially with twins,” I reply off-handedly.
“Twins! That’s so exciting. A double party then.”
“You guys really like to party, don’t you?” I ask, about to laugh, but think better of it.
“That’s really the understatement of the century,” she says laughing. "We should get together. I’ve got a ton of ladies who would love to meet you and we’ve lots of baby stuff that can be used by yours. We’re big sharers.”
“That would be awesome. Thank you.”
“We’re going to be great friends; I can already tell.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, of course. We’ve already cried in the bathroom together. This is next level friendship, if you ask me.”
“I’ll take your word for it. The only other friends I’ve got I met a couple of days ago.”
“What must your life have been like?” she asks, patting my forearm in concern.
“I thought it was normal, Jaymes, but Diezal showed me how abnormal it was. How I had to get out of there.”
“Love does that,” she says, nodding.
“Does what?” I ask, not at all sure what she means.
“Love shows you your true path in life.”
“You think so?”
“I know so, girl. I know so,” Jaymes says.
After exchanging numbers, we leave the bathroom and I see that things are still heated at the table, but someone brings the check and D and I leave after he pays. On the ride home, I am silent. I don’t want to say anything that I’ll regret.
Regret is the hardest thing to get over. You never really do.
Chapter Nine
She has been quiet since we left the restaurant and as much as it pains me, I don't blame her, and I give her the space she asked for. Walking in the door, I reach for her, just to comfort her, but she pushes me away. “Teresita,'' I say in admonishment. I don’t fucking like the distance she is trying to put between us.
“Don’t. Okay,” she says, walking to the other side of the room.
“Don’t what, Teresa? Don’t touch my fucking wife. Is that what you are denying me? The right to touch you when I fucking please?'' She looks at me and rolls her eyes. I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to calm down and take a deep breath. “Obviously you have something to say, so say it,” I tell her harsher than I mean to but at this point I too am pissed at what happened and the only thing… person that can calm me is denying me.
“I don’t like knowing someone was hurt because you were saving me, D. It doesn’t make me feel good. Just another thing I have to show that my being with you is…” I am in front of her face faster than sonic, daring her to finish that statement.
“Being with me is what, Teresa? Vital. Inevitable. Destined. Any of those things I will agree with. Anything else is bullshit. Now strip.” I was going to take her nice and slow, but she just blew that all to shit. Now I need to fuck.
“No,” she tells me, crossing her arms, walking into the bedroom. I follow her, pissed and turned on by her delectable ass. If it weren't for the fact that I am pissed and horny, I would take this second to admire how beautiful and radiant she is right now, even giving me the stink eye. But screw that shit. I wrap my hand around her neck and back her into the wall.
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
“I said no, Sir.” She throws that word in at the end, her sassy ass is asking for a spanking and turns out, I’m in the mood.
“Is that right?” Spinning her, I bend her over the chaise, mindful of her growing belly. Smack. “You don’t keep me from my pussy, or my wife.” Smack. I kick her legs apart as I unbuckle my pants. This is going to be quick. Defiance makes my dick happy. I don’t test her to see if she is wet, I can smell it. My little flower gets off on disobedience as much as I do because she craves punishment…sometimes. “Hope it is worth it,” I grunt in her ear before ramming my hungry cock inside of her. “Fuck. This hot pussy is so wet. She’s feverish, baby girl. So greedy,” I tell her, rutting in and out, racing. I am already at the precipice. I have been craving her all night watching her smile, walk, hell, breathe with evidence of my ownership growing under her clothes and on her hand. Too bad for her, I have no plans in letting her come.