Page 60 of Reclaiming My Wife
Before I lost all self-control and straddled him, I hurried to the bathroom and closed the door. It was going to be a long weekend.
I was five minutes late to lunch, but Cindy wasn’t there. It didn’t surprise me. Even if I were an hour late, she’d still be the second to show. I ordered two glasses of water and perused the menu. There was little point in waiting for her to show before ordering. She wouldn’t risk getting a food baby before she had to put on her dress. Since I was also going to have to put on a dress, I should have done the same thing, but there was little that would keep me from eating.
Still, I wanted to be polite, so I waited. She showed up ten minutes later, in a dark wig, heavy makeup, and fake glasses. Without an apology, she immediately launched into her problems. I listened, managed to order when the waitress returned, and finally reached over and grabbed Cindy’s hand.
“Breathe,” I ordered. “Cindy, you have got to breathe.”
Her eyes immediately filled with tears, and I glanced around uneasily. I’d chosen a table in the darkest part of the restaurant, but someone was bound to recognize her. Crying in public wasn’t really the best thing. “You don’t want splotchy skin tonight, do you?”
I felt horrible saying it. Normally, I would have encouraged her to cry and release all of that energy, but I wasn’t really her therapist, and I did not want a scene. The trick worked, and like magic, the tears were immediately gone, and she relaxed. “Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you.” She beamed that brilliant million-dollar smile at me.
“All right. Let’s talk about tonight. Are there any concerns other than your date?”
Talking about her job always made her relax. She sank into the seat and sighed. “I’m not optimistic about winning. Rumor has it that Ice Throne is going to win everything, and Sahaar Aisha was amazing in it. I’m also up against Sheryl Letters, but Dan Gustof carried her the whole way through that movie. No way she wins over me.”
“Any of the other stars from Summer Skies up for nomination?” My sandwich and fries arrived. Cindy looked at them enviously and grabbed her water.
“That asshole, William Graves, was nominated. God, I just hated working with him. He’s such a diva, and if he calls me sweetheart tonight in that condescending tone of his, I might just kill him.”
That surprised me. William Graves always played the sensitive sexy types, and I guessed I just assumed that he would also be sensitive. Apparently not.
“How well do you know Patrick?”
“Not well, which was why I was surprised when he asked me. We were at this winery event together, but I’ve met him at parties, and he did a cameo appearance in my movie, Deadly Sins. He is gorgeous though, and he’s going to look great with me tonight. When Steven sees the pictures tonight and tomorrow, he can just eat his heart out.”
What a change in tune from when I spoke to her before, but I was glad to see it. “I think maybe shooting for indifference is the goal here. You don’t want to think about him tonight. Just go and enjoy yourself.”
“I will. What about you? What made you up and leave the city?”
I’d known this question was coming, but a shot of adrenaline slammed through me just the same. “I’m trying to finish up my dissertation. I thought getting away from the city might help.”
“Let me guess, you finally broke up with that god awful boyfriend of yours, and you wanted to get away and have a little fun?” She waved her hands around dramatically, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Not exactly. It’s true that Don and I aren’t together anymore, but my leaving has nothing to do with him. I just needed some peace and quiet.”
“Woman, you’re young. You’re hot. If you actually come out with me, you would have the time of your life.”
“I have no doubt about that. Maybe one day, but not this weekend, and not until I finish my dissertation.”
She sighed. “Boring. Oh well. Well, I’ve got to get back. I know I’m beautiful, but it takes some time for me to look like a queen on the red carpet.”
I forced my eyes not to roll.
“Oh, before you go, I actually have this black-tie charity event thing tonight, and I need a dress. Can you recommend a store close by? One that’s not going to cost me a small fortune?”
Her eyes widened. “You’re dress shopping? Oh my god, why didn’t you say something? We would have skipped lunch!” She pulled out her phone. “Okay, I can maybe spare an hour. Put that sandwich down. We’re going. We’re going right now.”