Page 68 of Reclaiming My Wife
“All day,” he chanted. “And all night. I’m not letting you go, Jillian. I’m not.”
We were going to be dead before it was all over with, but I held on as he shattered inside of me, and more than just lust swept us away.
We ended up not getting back until dark. With the exception of the crickets and tree frogs, the ranch was quiet. There was a single light burning upstairs from Kim’s room, and when we stumbled in, still a little punch-drunk from lack of sleep and our marathon adventures in bed, we knocked over the basket of mail next to the counter.
“Shhh,” I laughed softly. “You’ll wake everyone up.”
“You’ll wake everyone up,” he muttered loudly before pulling me close for a deep kiss. I was tempted, sorely tempted, to let those hands roam wherever they pleased, but I pushed him away.
“You’ve had your fun. I need sleep, and I’m going to bed alone.” I poked him in the chest for emphasis, and he just captured my hands and kissed my fingers one by one.
“Sleep with me, Jillian. I promise that all we’ll do is sleep. Frankly, I’m so tired that I don’t even remember driving us home.”
“But we won’t sleep if I end up in your bed, will we? You’ll just tell me that you want a goodnight kiss, and then that’ll turn into something else and…”
“No good night kisses,” he swore before yawning. “Actually, I don’t even think that I can make it up the stairs. Let’s just sleep in your bed.”
Before I could object, he stumbled through the kitchen and into the guest room. Following, I turned on the light, but he just plopped facedown in the bed.
He’d be asleep in seconds. I was always envious of that with him. No matter where we were, he was always the first to sleep. I used to toss and turn in the dark and glare at his peaceful sleeping form.
“Shoes off,” I sighed as I slipped out of my pumps.
With a grunt, he used his feet to kick them off. “Want to undress me now, baby?”
I was about to bless him out when we heard the door slamming above us. I froze. Apparently, Kim was home, and she no doubt knew that we were also home.
Brendan read me like an open book. “Don’t worry about her, Jillian. Just come to bed.”
“I need to wash my face and brush my teeth. Plus, if I don’t brush my hair, it’ll be a tangled mess,” I murmured, but I walked toward him like I was hypnotized. I fell on the bed, still fully dressed, and he immediately curled around me.
“Go to sleep, baby,” he whispered.
Closing my eyes, I did just that.
Brendan was gone the next morning when I woke up, and I could easily see why. Blinking at the clock, I realized that it was well into the morning. Gasping, I shot up off the bed. I couldn’t even remember the last time that I’d slept in this much. As I frantically gathered some things to take upstairs to shower, I noticed the note on the door from Brendan.
Seeing you sleeping so peacefully in the morning will be the highlight of my day. If it’s late, don’t panic. You need to relax some. Coffee and a bagel will be waiting for you. Enjoy.
It made me smile and it also made me want to rip his head off. The fact that we were back in bed together was complicated enough. I didn’t need to be reminded of the sweet and loving side of him.
I still took his advice though. After a few deep breaths, I calmly went upstairs to shower. For once, it didn’t bother me to walk through his room. His scent was all over my bed, all over me, so it didn’t matter that his musky aroma encircled me as I passed through.
It seemed ridiculous to take a shower before I was about to head out to the stables, but I smelled like sex, and that wasn’t really the impression that I wanted to give everyone. The cold water helped me to shake things loose and think things through a little more clearly. Whatever was going on with us needed to be kept quiet. I had a hard enough time deciding on how I felt about it without everyone else shooting me knowing looks.
After I showered, I dressed and poured a cup of coffee to go. Snagging the bagel, I grabbed my bag and headed outside to check on Silva. He’d been improving in leaps and bounds, and I enjoyed spending the morning in the stables and reading my dissertation out loud to him.
He wasn’t much of an audience, but it helped for me to collect my own thoughts.
The barn wasn’t empty when I went in. Seeing Kim opening the gate to Darling’s stall gave me pause, but I wasn’t about to run from her. “Good morning,” I announced as I walked in. “I’m sorry that I slept so late.”