Page 34 of A Fated Night
Having a few days of that with Ken was better than having a tenuous business relationship with him. He was right. Their attraction to each other was too strong to make for a good work environment. At some point they would have cracked and slept together. With Ken in a position of power over his new star agent? It was good of him to recognize that would have only spelled doom for Lana.
“No, Roger, tell me what that means.”
He tsked at her while simultaneously dragging her into a quiet corner. “Lois & Bachman,” he began with a hushed voice, “are the biggest firm to hit New York in the past two years. I don’t have to remind you of that, truly?”
“No, Roger, you sure don’t.”
“Didn’t think so. They’re your holy grail here, Lana. Get in bed with them. Not literally, of course. Like I said, Ken Andrews doesn’t piss where he does business.”
Men and their dick imagery. Well, he wasn’t wrong. Ken had made it clear he was exactly like that, but he said it with better terminology. He may have reaffirmed that while fucking me for the third time last night. By the time they were done and ready to sleep, that bed was so torn up Lana would have never guessed they were in a nice suite at a historical hotel on Fifth Avenue. “I don’t think they’re the kind of agency I would fit in well with.”
“What the hell, Lana? Are you crazy? You go big or you go home to rural Virginia in this business. You know that. Come on. Don’t be stupid. Why would you even say something like that?”
She shrugged. “Call it my business intuition. I don’t doubt they would do a lot of good for my career, but what about after I have to move on from them? Where do I go up from there?”
“I can’t believe you’re saying this bullshit.” Roger sighed. “Oh, look, there are your new friends right now. David! Ken!” He waved down the representatives of Lois & Bachman on their way by. “You two remember Lana, right? Don’t blow this, Lana,” he hissed in her ear.
Haha. Little did he know about her and blowing one half of the representation here.
“Yes,” Ken said. He shook Lana’s hand again as if they hadn’t seen each other since they first met;. “Of course I remember the talented Ms. Losers. It’s David here you should be asking that question.” He winked at both Roger and Lana. David Bachman was oblivious and answering a phone call. “Or not. Never mind, then. I apologize on behalf of David. He really has no manners.”
Roger chuckled. “Are you two busy tonight? We really should have dinner or at least drinks if you’re available. I’ve been sent on a mission by my boss to get the scoop on New York. He wants to take our agency to the next level. If we could be half of what you are down in DC, I would die a rich and happy man.”
“Then I’ll be kicking myself for leaving your agency,” Lana said. You’re so full of shit, Roger. There were no plans to expand in that manner. Roger’s boss made millions being the king of middle class real estate in the DC metro area, with only a few high-price tickets on the side. Not enough to keep me happy.
Ken gave them a shrug that suggested there was nothing he could do. “Unfortunately, we are booked solid for dinner. I’ve already promised someone else my… I mean our time.” Lana was the only one who caught him giving her a spare look. Right. Dinner. Perhaps this time Lana would eat more around him than his cock. Speaking of, did he get his trousers from a tailor? Because they were doing very nice things to his crotch. Calm down, you damn slut. Lana needed a drink. Maybe more wine. She liked what happened when she drank wine near Ken.
“Terribly sorry to hear that. Perhaps tomorrow?”
“I’ll take a look at my planner when I have the chance. Excuse me, Mr. Prescott, Ms. Losers. I must collect David and take him to check in with my bosses.” Before he left, he reached into his vest pocket and pulled out two business cards for them. He only looked at Lana long enough to be professionally kosher. “Perhaps I will see you later.”
Now that got another glance in Lana’s direction… and the quickest wink she had ever seen.
A part of her wished that he had been over her after one night together. Move on. Get back to business. But I was the one who said I wanted a conference fling. Lana wanted his cock inside her at least once a day until she had to go back to DC and the unfortunate dating pool there. She was under no delusion that their fling would last more than the length of the conference. She might as well get all she could out of this man.