Page 42 of A Fated Night
Yes, yes, good for her. She’s witty and intelligent. Ken was reaching the point of this date where he didn’t care if Lana could sing an opera solo or solve complicated math equations. He cared that her curves nestled perfectly against his body and that her breath was caught in her throat every time he caressed her.
“Fuck me,” she muttered. Excellent. They had similar thoughts.
“In a moment.” Ken removed his jacket and tossed it over the back of a chair. Lana stood in the middle of the room, taking in his dark, masculine décor and the minimalist furniture inviting her to sit down. Ken liked to think he had an eye for design, but rarely had the time to indulge in it. Instead, he hired interior designers who had the same exact taste as him and rarely needed consulting. The latest one had nailed what he envisioned for this place. Did Lana like it? Why did he care? Imagine me and you, Ms. Bunny, buying properties like this and turning them into something amazing.
Where did that thought come from?
Lana turned, a wide, quizzical look meeting Ken from across the room. She was so… vulnerable. The thoughts swarming her mind were right there broadcasted on her face. Too bad Ken was still mostly illiterate when it came to reading her thoughts. I want to learn to read her. He wanted to know what that turn of her head meant. What that look relayed. What the slight change in the tone of her voice and the sharp intake of breath conveyed. It wasn’t enough getting to know her sexual responses. Ken wanted to read her soul through those pretty, sparkling eyes.
To be the only man who could claim such a feat? That was worth more than his whole fortune put together.
Fuck. Me. Ken kept his visage pristine while facing her. He would not let Lana see the turmoil festering in his heart.
He had never really known what love was. He thought he had. Even though he had loved a few women through the years, before being proven wrong. No. No, here it was. Love was embodied in a woman who was too superb to be real. Too headstrong to be his inferior in any way. Too cunning to be overpowered in whatever industry she tackled.
Too impossible to realistically have. She said so herself. This was a fling. Ken needed to steel his heart from any possible break coming for it. Lana Losers was the epitome of heartbreaker if she put that amazing mind to it.
I want her. Ken took a few steps toward her, hoping she would meet him in the middle. I want to rule the world with her. Was that too much to ask? To take her hand and draw her into a kingdom of their own ruling? I want to be completely one with her. That was the love talking. The pure, unadulterated emotion that made life both so frightening and yet so worth living.
“Do you believe in fate?” he asked Lana. Thankfully, his voice did not shake.
Lana slowly shook her head. “I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my destiny.”
He was close enough to hold the back of her head with a steady hand. Her golden hair covered his hand with a softness that had touched his skin before, but never his heart. Damn you, Lana Losers. I wasn’t ready for this. He was going to pursue the full extent of his career before pursuing a romantic partner. Why did this have to happen now? With a woman who thought distance was too much to bear? No, no, that wasn’t the only thing closing Lana romantically off. She had no reason to believe in what Ken currently felt.
“Sometimes it’s good to give up control.” Ken wiped a small remnant of dinner away from the corner of her mouth – an excuse to touch that smooth cheek. “I don’t mind giving up control now and then.”
That had spoken to something deep inside of her. I know how she reacted when I implied I’m up for almost anything. The only thing that had turned Lana on more than the thought of him with a man for her enjoyment was the thought of dominating him. Well, shit. If there were ever a woman in the world who should get the honor…
Except that wasn’t what she needed right now. She needed to let go, to open her heart to him and to experience what it meant to completely embrace the joys of a sexual connection.
“I’ve never done it like that before.”
“Like what?”
Lana placed her hand upon his. Don’t make me stop touching you. She didn’t. “Like what you’re talking about. I’ve only given myself over like that in a purely sexual way.”