Page 54 of A Fated Night
Lana soaked up the adoration of those around her with both appreciation and indifference. Of course she wanted to have her accomplishments acknowledged. What extroverted woman wouldn’t? She feasted on the energy of the men and few women around her. I’ll eat them all alive on the market. Yet she kept her smile pleasant and her words kind as she shook some hands and thanked everyone who told her she was an inspiration. Particularly one young female real estate agent who came up to her and declared her a role model for all women like them everywhere.
Well, that wouldn’t go to Lana’s head at all!
She was so caught up in her jubilation that she sometimes forgot to look for Ken. Where was her sweetheart? Was that him sitting in the back by himself? Why did he look so damn glum? Didn’t he know that she was getting horny enough from all this attention that he could take her into the nearest closet and bang her brains out? Like he did last night? Like he did in the shower this morning?
Lana turned away from him and talked with two reporters. Roger Prescott shadowed her, declaring her the most valuable asset to ever hit his company. To that end, he publicly announced that Lana would soon be a free agent for the benefit of her career. Oh, and he was looking for her replacement in his DC agency. Did anyone happen to know some young, dashing agent looking for a good gig?
A line of representatives from varying firms came up to shake her hand again. The Californians once again implied she could be on TV. Someone else asked if she ever thought about going to Europe. I don’t know anything substantial about the real estate there. Let me stick to the stomping grounds I know I can conquer. Even in her slingbacks.
She was pleasantly surprised when Ken approached her toward the end of her stay in the room. Lana and Roger were invited to attend a cocktail party in their honor, and Roger was already going on about the margaritas he wanted to drink. With the conference over, he was game to find a young man to shack up with for the night. Assuming there were no good business dinners for him to shadow Lana on…
“Congratulations on your well-deserved reward,” Ken said with a professional handshake. He kept a respectful distance from Lana. I know we don’t want people to know we’re screwing, but this feels so… cold. It definitely was not what Lana expected when she saw Ken approaching. Or perhaps she was falling in too deep with this handsome man who had managed to abscond with her loins and possibly her heart the second time they met. “It seems that you have inspired many of the people here to actually start competing at this game.”
She laughed. Roger glanced at her with disbelief. What? Like she couldn’t laugh at something Ken said? Oh, right. I rarely find men funny. Roger knew her well enough to know what was her real laugh and what was her practiced good, amicable girl laugh. “Thank you, Mr. Andrews,” Lana said. “That means a lot coming from a man of your own legacy.”
“Oh? I wasn’t aware that I had such a legacy.”
“You’re the lead manager of the #1 firm in New York. I’d say you have done quite well for yourself.”
“Keep up your hard work and you’ll be in my place soon enough.” Ken paused. Roger steeled himself for anything other than what Ken said next. “If I may, Mr. Prescott, I’d like to briefly chat with Ms. Losers alone. I promise to have her back within five minutes.”
Roger looked between them before taking several steps back. He gave Lana thumbs up, as if anything was going to happen between her and Ken in front of God and country.
Damn. She wished it would. She hadn’t been lying when she told him that she was fantasizing about fucking him in public. Oh, good. Now she was thinking about it again. What a time for a woman’s exhibitionist streak to come out.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Andrews?” she flashed him one of her more demure smiles. She had to be careful, though. Didn’t need anyone happening to look over and recognizing that look. If she could make it out of this conference without anyone but Ken knowing what went on between them, good. That’s exactly what she required at this point in her life. Still, didn’t mean she didn’t want his attentions…