Page 61 of A Fated Night
If all that mattered was how good it felt physically, then she could survive what her heart did to her later. Ah, but it wasn’t so easy, was it? Every time he thrust into her, she experienced a type of euphoria that killed every negative thought swarming her mind. When he pulled out, even slightly, she feared he would leave her forever, that this was the last time they would ever touch. Don’t go. I need you. I need to feel like this for the rest of my life. What the fuck was her heart doing butting into her business again? Didn’t it have any shame? Maybe Lana wanted to end her conference hookup with the best bang possible!
No woman wanted to cry during sex. Least of all Lana, who had been conditioned to see crying – especially in front of men, let alone in her industry – as the ultimate physical sign of weakness. And, no, she did not cry. Technically. No sobbing. No sounds except moans and cries of ecstasy. But there were two, maybe three tears working their way down her cheek again, and she had no excuse other than attributing them to the fear she had that she would feel so alone for the rest of her life.
Ken was relentless. From the second he was first inside of her, he never stopped, never let up, never let Lana experience any side of him except for the one that had to have her. He didn’t give her much chance to speak. His lips were always on hers, muffling those cries she emitted and tasting the depths of her throat.
“I’m coming,” she whimpered. Her toes were curling and her core pined for relief. Every muscle between her breasts and thighs alit in a fire that only Ken could put out. All she needed was one thing to send her over the edge. His thickening cock shoved to the hilt within her wasn’t enough.
He put his mouth on her nipple, biting. Lana groaned from the insanity it brought her. The core of her body grabbed onto his cock in a mad attempt to pull him in deeper, one more time.
“Me too,” Ken admitted with a hushed tone. “I can’t… I can’t let you go.”
Good. Lana didn’t want him to. She wanted to play Russian Roulette with nature. Fate had already conspired to bring them together. It would always find some other way.
The harried cry of a man on the brink of losing everything he ever thought of himself sounded into her skull. Lana waited, most impatiently, for the brunt of his climax to wreck her irrevocably. Make me feel something I’ll never get to know again.
She was on another planet. With him.
God. So deep. That cock was giving her as much as it could. His seed hit her in a place so intimate that she shuddered beneath Ken’s weight. Darkness washed over her eyes. Most women spoke of seeing white lights. Not Lana. She knew she was in trouble because all she saw was shadow, like a winter night sky.
Ken had managed to completely blackout her thoughts. For the rest of the night, she wouldn’t have to think about anything but him.
He continued to slowly fuck her long past the end of his orgasm. Lana remained prostrate, arms either wrapped around his head or futilely searching for his shoulders. She both wanted him to make himself scarce and to never, ever abandon her.
“I love you.”
She had misheard him, right? Lana opened her eyes, seeing nothing but a mess of his black hair as he sucked the exposed part of her throat. Damn. This should’ve been the pinnacle of romantic. Heaven knew Lana needed to know what this felt like.
Then he was out of her, off of her. Ken left a lingering kiss on her lips before getting up and putting his clothes back together.
“What did you say?”
He sat on the edge of the bed, head dropping. “Lois & Bachman are offering you a million to sign on and a hundred and fifty salary before commissions. You’d be making almost as much money as me. You’d be a damned fool to not work for them. They’ll treat you right, especially if they want you so badly.”
“The day you start working there will be the day I resign. Don’t worry about me. This has all shown me that I need to get serious about my own career. Like you’re being held back at Prescott’s firm, I’m being held back by Lois & Bachman.” He stood. “I’ll see you around, Lana. Maybe we’ll… goodbye.”