Page 64 of S.E.C.R.E.T. (Secret 1)
“Whoa, Cassie, relax. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I let out a nervous laugh. “It’s okay. I’m just a little jumpy.”
She asked about the show. She’d heard that I danced after all.
“I made an ass out of myself,” I said, shrugging.
“That’s not what I heard.”
She knew something. I could tell by the tone of her voice. Will and I had left Blue Nile holding hands.
“I’m just glad it’s over,” I said, slashing mayo across the bread, avoiding her eyes.
“Did Will show up?”
“Ah … I think so, yeah.”
“He didn’t come home last night,” she said, pulling her coat tighter to her. I wanted to scream, What do you mean, “home”? You guys broke up. He’s been sleeping upstairs for the past two weeks! He told me.
“Did you happen to see him leave last night?”
“I didn’t see him leave. Nope,” I lied.
“Did you go to Maison with the rest of the girls after the show?”
“Nah, I just went right home.”
“I guess that’s why I didn’t see you there.”
My blood chilled. I was being cued that yes, indeed, Tracina knew something. Panic crept in. Would she tear my eyes out, kick in my teeth? Good God, where was Will?
“Will said you weren’t feeling well yesterday. Are you better now?” I asked.
“I’ve recovered. Mornings are the worst. I mean look at my skin,” she said. Reluctantly, I scanned her face and had to admit that her skin was a little sallow, her eyes a little sunken. “But the doctor said the morning sickness will pass soon, when I enter my second trimester.”
Second trimester? What the—? “Are you …?”
“Pregnant? Yes, Cassie, I am. But I wanted to be sure because I’d been down this road before and then been disappointed. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for certain. And now … I know for certain.”
She placed a hand on her stomach, which, now that I was staring right at it, did seem to exhibit a bit of a swell.
“Does … Will know?”
Her eyes met mine. “He does now. I called him. About an hour ago. He came rushing right over.”
It must have been just after I left to go home and change. “What did he say?”
“He was so happy he was … nearly in tears. Can you believe that?” she said, her own eyes welling.
I could believe that this news would bring tears to Will’s eyes. I could. In fact, right then and there, I also choked up.
“It’s all very sudden, I know. But after I told him this morning, he proposed to me. He’s such a good man, Cassie. And you know how much he loves my brother. And wants to set a good example for him.”
My mind was spinning. How can this be happening? I picked him and he picked me.
I opened my mouth, but all I could manage was “I don’t know what to say.”