Page 25 of Bedded for Revenge
It was one of the things he now found so exhilarating about her company—this feisty and challenging mind she had developed. But surely to admit that—even to himself—
would represent a loss of face? 'And that is why you will never find a husband! ' he stormed.
Sorcha stared at him, and then started laughing. 'I can't believe that a sophisticated man of the world just came out with something as crass as that!' But her laughter died when she saw the sudden dark look of intent on his face.
'In the bedroom a man is just a man, cara mia—and his response is rather mo re...prim ft we. And that is the double-edged sword—because the kind of man who turns you on is precisely the kind of man who will not tolerate your need for independence and freedom.'
'Cesare...' She wanted to say Don't, But she couldn't, because her body was craving his once more. And maybe he was right—maybe she was doomed to want what she could never have. An alpha-man who could never accept the woman she really was.
'Nothing to say, cara' Luxuriously, he splayed his hands over the silken globes of her
bottom and bent his mouth to her ear. Then let me say it for you...In the end, all the things you claim to want count for nothing, because you cannot resist the demands of your body. And though the spirit is willing, the flesh is very weak. If I had asked you objectively whether you wished to find yourself in my bed, you would have answered no—and yet here you are. It must distress you sometimes to acknowledge that your sexual drive is so strong. ’
She stared up at him, the hurt shimmering in her eyes. 'You think I react like this with every man? That I let anyone do what you did to me in the office this afternoon? '
A slow smile of satisfaction spread over his face. 'You mean it is just me?' he murmured.
Sorcha felt as if she'd walked into a silken trap and he had nearly tricked her into giving him the answer he wanted.
Suddenly she wanted to hurt him back—to lash out at him the way he'd been doing
ever since he'd come back into her life.
'You want to slot me in as yet another of your damned stereotypes, don't you?' she stormed. "Where once I was your precious virgin, now I'm a loose woman. But how loose? That is the question. How many men will you decide I've slept with, Cesare? Ten? Twenty? A hundred?'
'Stop it, Sorcha,' he said suddenly, as the mental pictures her angry words conjured up became unbearable.
'Then stop judging me by your archaic standards! Do you want to know how many?'
"You don't?"
His eyes glittered. 'I just want to know if any of them were as good as me.'
She stared at him. 'You are unbelievable. ’
'So I'm told. I'll take that as a no.' He kissed her and then lifted his head, an arrogant thrill curving his lips as he stared down at her rumpled, rosy beauty. 'I want to see you smile. Ah, that is better.' He stroked his hand down over her waist and felt her shiver. 'Now I'm going to make love to you. And then...'
Sorcha swallowed as he traced his tongue along the curve of her jaw. He was tormenting her, teasing her, and yet she didn't want him to stop it, because his soft cajoling was more enticing than anything else. 'Then?' she whispered.
Cesare touched the tip of his tongue to her ear. 'I think we must discuss the campaign.'
Sorcha stared at him.
'I've made an appointment for you to see an old friend of mine,' he murmured. 'He has
an exhibition starting in London. ' His eyes glinted. 'He used to be one of the world's most famous photographers until he gave it up. But he's agreed to do this job as a favour. It is' he finished with satisfaction, 'a very great honour.'
For a moment he might as well have been speaking in his native Italian. Sorcha jerked her head away and blinked at him.
"What are you talking about?'
'The new face of Whittakers. You.' He nodded to himself.
She sat upright in bed, bright hair streaming down over her bare breasts, suddenly finding that rage was a far easier emotion to live with than willing surrender. 'Excuse me, but I don't actually remember agreeing to do it.'
'Really?' He slid his hand between her legs. 'I thought you just had.'