Page 51 of Society Weddings
‘I want to make what time he does have happy. That’s why you’re here. My father wants to see me married—not to find out it’s already happened. And Mother has always dreamed of organising a family wedding. Having the service in the cathedral, the reception in the castle. She had hoped to do so for Diegeo, but…’
‘I heard about the speedboat accident,’ Isabelle inserted quietly when he broke off, his eyes suddenly unfocused. ‘That must have been hard on you all.’
‘Then you will see why I want to present you to them as my new fiancée.’
‘And go through another wedding ceremony? Pretend it’s all happening for the first time—lie through my teeth! I think not!’
‘That’s the way it has to be.’
He was back in aristocratic mode once again. Pure arrogant conquistador from his head to his toes.
‘The way I want it.’
‘The way you want it!’ Isabelle echoed bitterly. ‘And what do you think is going to happen? That you’ll just snap your fingers and I’ll jump to do your bidding like some lowly serf you have honoured to notice. I’m a free woman, Luis! I don’t let anyone else just run my life.’
‘As I’ve learned to my cost,’ he returned sardonically. ‘You made sure the word “obey” was omitted from the wedding service, as I recall. And what I thought was going to happen was that you were prepared to consider the idea. I thought you’d understand my father’s position, the way he feels…’
‘I do! Believe me, I do. But even though I understand—and sympathise—that doesn’t just mean I’m going to fall in with your plans without question.’
‘Would it be so terrible, Isabella?’
‘It’s that—prospective bride bit. It’s a lie.’
‘Only a white lie, querida. Surely in order to make an ill man happy you can salve your conscience for a little while and play a part. If you can convince a bunch of tourists that there are ghosts walking around York…’
‘That’s my job! It’s what I get paid for.’
‘If you want payment—I’ll give you anything you want! Think of it as a job. All I ask is that you do your damnedest to be convincing. I want my father and mother to believe we are the happiest couple on earth.’
‘I’m not that good an actress.’
‘I think you are. I’ve seen you, remember? I watched you last night. You almost had me convinced that some spirit would come creeping out of the walls of that tower.’
‘I was working to a script!’
‘Then I will give you a script!’
Reaching out, he took her hand, drew her very close as he looked down into her shadowed green eyes.
‘You and I met just a few months ago. I was in England on business. You were at a party I was invited to. We looked into each other’s eyes and it was like un trueno—a thunder-clap. We fell in love in an instant. All we want is to be married. As quickly as possible.’
She tried to protest, tried to break through the hypnotic spell his voice was weaving around her, but she didn’t have the strength. His words were taking her back into the past. Reminding her of how it had once been.
‘Think about how it once was with us, Isabella.’ Luis bent his proud head, kissed her mouth with heartbreaking softness. ‘It wasn’t so very long ago. Surely you can remember that?’
How could she forget it? It was etched into her memories, branded on her heart. It had been all she had ever dreamed of. And now it was what she wanted back most in all the world.
And when he looked at her like that, when the husky, enticing tones of his softly accented voice pleaded with her to do as he asked, she was helpless, soft as wax in his hands.
‘All—all right, I’ll…’ she began shakily, but Luis didn’t give her a chance to complete her sentence. Lacing his fingers in hers, he squeezed her hand tight.
‘It’s not so very far from the truth,’ he told her, leading her up the remainder of the drive and into the stone-flagged courtyard of the castle.
But almost immediately it was as if the shadows cast by the high walls had fallen over Isabelle’s heart. Her steps slowed, coming to a complete halt as she looked up at the huge, carved oak door.
‘What is it?’