Page 21 of The Satin Sash
The tomblike silence that followed was disturbed by a chirpy “Here we go, the files you requested, Grey.”
Grey didn’t bother to look at her. “Thank you, Louisa. Just set them on the desk.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to—”
“No, that will be all.”
No sooner had the click of the doors sounded when Grey spoke. “Do I have to tell you how conflicting I find this?”
Soundlessly, Heath rose to his feet, directing himself to the wall, which held dozens of framed photographs of buildings in progress. “You love her?”
“I’m going to marry her.”
Heath snorted in derision. “Pull the other one, Grey.”
Snatching the glass of brandy next to his computer, Grey emphatically said, “I am.”
The look on Heath’s face when he turned couldn’t have been more comical. “Should I start picking up silverware, then? A gravy boat?”
Grey merely smiled. It wasn’t often he had Heath at a disadvantage, but he found himself enjoying the sudden uncertainty on his partner’s face.
An ivory carpet covered the room, and the distance between the doors and Grey’s desk was immense, as he well liked his space. He took full advantage of the area now as he circled. “I mentioned a threesome, and she’s excited about it.”
“It’s been a while,” Heath mused.
“Sixteen years.”
“That long?” Heath whistled, scraping his hand along his shadowed jaw as he tracked Grey pacing across the room. “I must be getting old.”
Toni quivered every time Grey had mentioned the threesome. Her body flushed and she got all loving on him. She rode him, licked him, kissed him, came all over him. God.
His cock was a perennial pain inside his trousers. He couldn’t blank out the images that tumbled through his brain. Images that made his chest constrict, his stomach twist, his heart ache.
Toni undulating . . . giving out those little purrs of hers, Heath feeding her cock, Grey rocking in her tight, syrupy pussy . . .
It would kill him. It would drive him out of his ever- loving mind.
Grey returned behind his desk and added, “We’ll have dinner. I’ll confirm for myself if she wants you.Then we’ll see.”
“She wants me. That woman of yours is made for passion.You deny her, and she’ll be looking somewhere else.”
“Where did you read that, Glamour?”
Heath linked his hands behind his head and shot him a look full of impatience. “I don’t read that shit.”
“Then where does this brilliant advice come from? You haven’t been in a relationship your entire life.”
“Neither had you before Toni. And I once fucked your driver and he was in a relationship. He gossiped like a girl. Shit, he whimpered like a girl.”
“And you like that?”
Heath considered, the verdict coming out a bored, “Whatever.”
“If we decide to do something about it, we’re not doing it here. We’ll do it in Cabo, give her a weekend where there are no prying eyes and she can let go.”
“Is that an invitation?”
Grey shook his head. “It’s a maybe.”