Page 61 of The Satin Sash
“Ahh. Perceptive, and pink all over. I like you, señorita. But the truth is, I don’t need relationship troubles, and I don’t need a woman.”
“Then would you like a date with a guy?” she countered.
“Crap, no! Why would I want to date a guy?”
“Well . . .” Let’s see, now. How to phrase this delicately?
“Because I’ve enjoyed fucking a few?”
So much for being tactful. “Yes.” And the visual made her just a tad wet in the panties. “Have there been a lot? Men, I mean?”
“A couple.”
“And do you prefer . . . well, you know.What role do you prefer, the woman’s role, or the—”
He guffawed with laughter, slapping a hand on his thigh. “Oh, Christ, Cat!”
“I’m sorry,” she quickly burst in.“Don’t unsettle the horse! And I know I’m prying. I’m too curious for my own good sometimes. I’m sorry. Really.”
“It’s okay. I like that.” The laughter faded from his voice. “If it gives me pleasure,” he explained matter-of-f actly, “I can take it and I can give it.”
Like the waves on the shore, a crash of liquid flooded her panties. She should not be discussing this with Heath. She needed to change topics—to one that did not have her sex organs clenching so tightly. She said, “So, you meet someone and have your fun; then you just leave forever?”
“You never, ever come back, or want to?”
“Right again, gorgeous.”
“You’d never come back to Cabo San Lucas?” With us . . .
She wrinkled her nose, instantly resenting the thought. She didn’t want any more threesomes and already she was planning on a second trip?
He reached between her spread legs and boldly trailed his thumb down to her sex. “What would you want of me if I came back?”
He burrowed four fingers under her body and used his entire hand to grind. The strong heel of his palm bit into her hardening clitoris. “Please don’t,” she cried, stiffening.
But he continued, massaging her entire pussy with strong, sure presses. “Do you enjoy our sex together, Cat?”
Her spine curved helplessly. “I don’t want to do this on a horse!”
“I won’t let you fall.” He spoke against her temple, where she felt his tongue snake out for a lick. “Grey told me to be careful. In his own words. And he has kicked the shit out of me before.”
“Don’t. I don’t . . . I don’t want to do this without him.”
“It’s all right. I’m just caressing you. We’re making out on a horse—isn’t it fun?”
“No,” she lied, and prayed her dampness hadn’t seeped into her clothes so fast.
“All right.” He easily relented, leaving her pussy a furious throb between her legs when he released it. “Let’s ride, then. Here. Take the reins.” He caught her hand in one of his and began to settle her fingers where they should go.
The sight of her small porcelain hand and his large tanned one moving together sent a jolt of sexual awareness through her. “You tackle all your fears this way?” she asked meekly.
“If I can.”
“And the flying?”
His fingers faltered over hers, then continued to lace the leather reins through her fingers. “I haven’t quite figured that one out.