Page 20 of Amatista
“Can you read it, Kavi?”
He was too overwhelmed to think right, but he concentrated on her question and stared at the marks, trying to breathe out the words. “I believe so.”
“I didn’t know you were looking for it…but I know that this is the reason you were captured. This is why so many Fohers have been killed, Kavi. The humans can’t read it, and they need you to do so. This is why Lyle needs me.”
Kavi couldn’t tear his gaze off her back, and he stared at it with eyes widened with wonder. His chest felt crowded, weightier than a thousand human shuttles, grander than his home planet. “It’s all here,” he said. “It is all on your back, Liana. The way to Amatista.”
Liana smiled and squirmed restlessly. “Well, go on! Tell me,” she prodded. “Is it near?”
It took Kavi a moment to make sense of the drawing. When he finally did, he started to nod. Through the Grymbid Woods. Past the Tekkan River. Around the Vilde Mountains.
The sound of giggles made Kavi jerk his face up. Galina was rushing across the greens, Ajay hot on her trail. Her dress was partly removed, baring her chest to the sunlight, her breasts bouncing freely as she sprinted toward the river. Liana, seemingly aware of the noises behind her, went utterly still, and Kavi rose before they reached them to make his presence known.
Liana, so used to protecting the map, quickly sat up to face them so they couldn’t see it, unwittingly revealing every inch of her nude body. Ajay and Galina both paused before her, and it seemed like even the breeze that had played around the woods just before had stilled. Ajay’s eyes went brilliant as they slowly traveled down her neck to her breasts. Kavi stepped forward, speaking gruffly to him in their language. Liana didn’t understand a word they were saying. She was too busy blushing to notice. She did hear sumi a couple times, which pleased her.
Ajay argued, his eyes turning obsidian, never straying from her breasts. Her nipples embarrassed her all the more when they pebbled, hardening like rocks and turning pinker. The way the handsome Foher set his jaw and braced his feet apart made Liana’s legs began to feel weak. He looked…he looked…ready to charge. His tanned skin had taken on a crimson hue, his nose appeared slimmer over his flaring nostrils and every prominent muscle in his body emanated tension.
Belatedly, Liana covered her breasts, and just the feel of her palms against her nipples sent tiny rivulets of pleasure down to her sex.
“Liana,” Galina gently said, kneeling beside her while the two Fohers continued to argue. “My mate wants to show you his cock.”
Then— “What?” Shaking her head, Liana looked dazedly up at Kavi. He’d turned away, his posture as rigid as his fists by his sides. He was staring off into nothingness. “W-what does she mean, Kavi? What were you talking about?”
Something wild shone in his eyes when he turned to face her. “Your body captivates him.” Kavi spoke so tightly his neck seemed to have thickened. “He wants you…” He paused, swallowing hard. “To see him.”
By the time Kavi finished speaking and Liana risked a look at the young, muscled Foher standing beside him, Ajay had dropped his skins to his knees. And there, on display a few feet before her, was his very long, very solid, very capable cock. Liana gulped back saliva and then gulped again, eyes completely round.
“You’re…you’re serious,” she squeaked, forgetting about her breasts and covering her cheeks with her hands to keep all three of them from seeing how flushed she’d become, and maybe to keep her jaw from falling too.
Of course, Ajay had reason to want to show her his cock—it was huge. A pri
me example of a cock. As delicious-looking as Kavi’s. Ajay was also handsome in a bit of an intimidating but still very appealing way. He was cupping his balls as he stared down at her, a hand curled around his girth. His dark cocoa eyes had sparks of light in them and she could feel heat lick through her sex like tongues of fire.
Ajay whispered to her. His voice was rough like tree bark, the words indistinguishable. “Musi unmi valaka?”
“What? Kavi, what is he saying?” Liana asked in alarm, hands splaying over the earth as she pushed herself an inch back.
Kavi’s eyes had hardened to steel. “Ajay wants to know,” he strained out, “if you wish to taste his valaka.” Kavi’s breathing was irregular, the sound of it hollow.
Liana could barely draw in a breath herself. Her cunt clenched, a flood of moisture coming forth. She stole a look at Galina, who’d risen and stood a foot away from her mate, all three of them staring down at her. Galina was smiling wistfully, her dark eyes hooded as she began to nod. “You help me suck my husband’s cock, yes, Liana?”
If Liana’s expression didn’t change, it was because her eyes couldn’t possibly open wider and her mouth had no more room to open. “Galina. You can’t mean you want me to?”
“Yes, I do. It pleases me to see my husband find pleasure. Fohers like oral play. Kavi does too.”
Liana’s gut tightened, her sex wetting even more. “I—Galina, this is…” Crazy! Liana’s face shot up to Kavi. “Kavi, please…what do you want me to do?”
Truthfully, she really did want a taste. She’d watched Ajay before—she’d almost wanted to take Galina’s place when Kavi wouldn’t touch her—and now Galina’s words seeped into her mind like the worst sort of temptation Liana had ever known. All she could think of was tasting that long, hard organ before her. She’d become fascinated with cocks since the day she’d seen Kavi’s. And good Lord, this one was just as appealing. A pearly drop of moisture clung to the darker skin around the head, the shaft slightly quivering in the air.
And now another cock had risen up, hardened just like it.
Kavi had gone completely stiff. Yards and yards of his muscled, golden flesh glistened before her eyes. He was still naked, as glorious as before or even more so, now that he was Liana’s mate.
Taking a step forward, he cupped her chin and raised her face to his inquiring eyes. Those silver slits glimmered behind his swarthy lashes. “Do you want to?” he asked in a gruff whisper.