Page 29 of Divine Assistant
Wow. Her falcon had sure come back with some startling news.
“You did not just say that,” Lucy said, wide-eyed, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands settled on her hips and hauled her close to him. It felt completely right, to be held this way by him, to lose herself in the dark depths of his eyes.
“You make a lousy princess anyway—or Nine of Pentacles. Or whatever,” he said, his eyes glinting as his lips spread into a grin. “You’re much better at mergers.”
Lucy laughed, fleetingly garnering the attention of a few curious couples dancing nearby. Then she sobered and shook her head. “Holden, I’ve got no experience whatsoever. You cannot possibly be serious.”
“I’m dead serious.”
No, he couldn’t be. “There are millions of other people much better qualified for the job than me.”
“Really? And as honest and dedicated as you? I don’t think so.”
She shook her head, her smile
barely fitting her face. “I can’t accept this.”
“This is purely professional, Lucy,” he said, tightening his grip on her hips.
He really made the most handsome devil. There was a darkness to his face, a stubbornness to his chiseled features, a power in his stance. He was, quite frankly, just as dark, powerful and mesmerizing as that Wall Street bull he’d purchased. Wasn’t there a saying about people’s likenesses to their pets?
“This job was meant for you. I read your résumé Lucy, you can do this.”
Was she dreaming? She could always pinch herself, but she’d be loath to move her hands from his nape, where they’d settled so contentedly. “Oh God, I…” Dazed, she shook her head slightly in an attempt to clear it.
He caressed her face with his eyes. “Just say yes.”
“Holden, I’m…flattered really…but…”
“I swear this has nothing to do with the way I feel for you—my gut just tells me you’re right for the job, and I always follow my instincts.”
Lucy felt the blood rush hot and heady through her veins, and she pretty much knew it had nothing to do with the fact that she was being offered her dream job, the one near the very top rungs of that tall, seemingly endless corporate ladder. It had everything to do with what he’d said before that, something that made her feel breathless and speechless and wonderful. What did he mean, “how he felt about her”? Suddenly, everything and everyone around her seemed to fade away until there was only Holden, his lips unbearably close to hers, his legs and thighs brushing against hers as they danced.
“Say yes,” he urged softly, his eyes shining like moons in a pitch-black night.
“Yes,” she breathed against his lips, silently vowing never, ever to disappoint him, as she stood on tiptoes so she could confirm the answer with a kiss.
Some funny person thought it would be a good time to interrupt, and through the haze and heat of his nearness and the fleeting touch of his lips against hers, she heard someone say, “Heard about your offer for Finrod Tech, Holden. You think it’s really worth that much?”
Lucy stiffened at the same time Holden did.
They stopped dancing and for an endless moment they stood motionless on the dance floor, their gazes clashing. “W-what does he mean by that?” Lucy asked shakily, not knowing if the clenching in her stomach was dread, excitement or a little of both.
“It means I’m getting you Finrod Tech, Lucy.”
Lucy in business mode would have demanded, “How?” Was it a hostile takeover or did he make a direct offer? And if the latter, how much? But Lucy in her vulnerable, totally-in-love-with-Patrick-Holden mode merely asked, “Why?”
He didn’t flinch when he answered. “Because you want it, and I want to give it to you.”
How did he even know about Finrod Tech? “Holden…” she began, still not understanding the strange and completely unorthodox workings of his mind.
“Lucy.” It was a low, barely audible whisper, and it was filled with emotion.
She froze, rendered breathless, speechless and motionless by the gleaming sparks in his eyes as he framed her face in his hands.
“I’m in love with you.”
Her legs weakened, and she could only remain on her feet because she was holding onto his neck so tightly. When she opened her mouth to speak, words failed her completely, her lungs seemed to malfunction and there was a constricting pain in her throat.