Page 1 of Heart of Lies
Stretching out her hands, Alessandria lightly touched the hard cold dark brown oak arms of her throne as she sat down.
She adjusted herself in her seat. Feeling the soft black pillows moulding to her flesh. Sending cold chills through her body as the material warmed up after the freezing weather last night.
Turning her head, Alessandria rolled her eyes at the boring yet imposing cold grey stone blocks of pure might that made up the small chamber she sat in. The blocks of stone gave a chill to the air and a reminder that they were deep in the Queen's castle that no one could hear you scream.
Of course, Alessandria hadn't tested that fact yet but she wanted to at some point.
Stretching her neck, Alessandria gave a small smile at the curved ceiling with all the blades tied to it. She had no idea why someone tied or welded the blades to the ceiling but they were always helpful reminders to the criminals she dealt with.
That reminded her, she needed to get some new scented candles since the candles burned in the four corners stunk of animal fat and sweat. Not pleasant. And certainly not what a noble woman was used to!
Yet as always Alessandria focused on her purpose, sure everything wasn't as she planned when she had accepted the Queen's offer to live in the castle. But at least her noble family had a home and somewhere to base their operations.
Alessandria turned her head to the left and peeked out a small glass window that bright sunlight poured in from. Squeaking her eyes, she saw the massive clock tower outside and rolled her eyes.
They were ten minutes late. Alessandria didn't mind personally hearing cases from her Procurators when they weren't sure what the law said. But the least the Procurators could do was be on time. It wasn't like Alessandria was a busy Noble woman or anything. At least, it was only 10 past 8 in the morning. Hopefully, at least she could do something later if the meeting overran.
Casting her mind back to her first case hearing, she hated it. It was an hour after she was promoted to Dominus Procurator and she had to decide whether to forward a murder case to the Crown Prosecution Service. It was difficult because the victim was horrible but it was still murder. She decided against it because the victim was a horrible scammer and deserved it.
Hopefully, this occasion would be less of a difficult choice.
A loud scraping sound filled the chamber as the immense heavy wooden door opened and three people walked in.
The first Alessandria easily recognised as one of her Procurators, Police Officers, she looked like your typical Procurator with her grey cloak and her black leather armour underneath. Yet her violet eyes and long black hair made her easy to recognise.
Whilst not Alessandria’s favourite Procurator, since this one was pretty average, she could tolerate this Procurator for a while.
The other two women Alessandria supposed were the people she was judging. She raised an eyebrow at both of them with their dirty slimy brown dresses and their greasy hair.
At least the women to Alessandria’s right had the decency to wear some horrific perfume that stunk of... Alessandria had no idea, but it stunk.
The Procurator started in her very common and unprofessional tone: “Ya Lady, this are the two I spoke of,”
“What is the situation?” Alessandria elegantly spoke looking at the women.
The Procurator was about to speak but Alessandria raised a hand.
“Um, Miss, um my Lady,” the lady to her right greeted.