Page 24 of Heart of Lies
“The doctors want me to experience desensitisation so I’m not as fearful of the Inquisition and to dull my heightened survival instincts. It’s a sound idea. But I’m too fearful. I almost killed the doctor when he wore the symbol of the Order,”
Alessandria opened her mouth to say something but there was nothing she could say. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the Inquisition had done to him. Not just physical torture but mental torture too.
“Please, Daniel. Is there anything I can do?”
“Answer a question for me,”
“Nemesio, do you find him attractive?”
A piece of cold sweat dripped down Alessandria’s face. She didn’t know, and what could she say to Daniel?
Of course, she could lie to him and completely deny it, but she wouldn’t lie to her brother. If she admitted it, would he hate her?
I don’t know, Daniel. I’m sorry. I really don’t know,”
Focusing on his dulled blade, Daniel smiled a little.
“It’s fine. You can like or even love whoever you want. You have my blessing if you want to date him. At least you would be dating someone of status and not a commoner. I think that’s how mother would put it,”
Without knowing why Alessandria beamed. Maybe she did find Nemesio attractive? Maybe she did want to be with him?
“Thank you, how is Harrison by the way?”
Daniel’s eyes lit up.
“He’s great. He is patient. I’ll give him that. Does he know I’m here?”
“Good, I’ll tell him later and...”
“What, Daniel?”
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
Alessandria nodded if only out of curiosity.
“You’re not a virgin are you?”
Alessandria’s eyes widened at the type of conversation.
“Compared to Hellen, I am,”
Daniel smiled.
“Harrison wants us to do it. And I’m not sure about it?”
“Why not?”
“You know as an autistic person. I have a mild touch sensitivity,”
“Mild? More like severe but go on,”