Page 37 of Heart of Lies
They charged.
Alessandria whipped out her sword but it was too late.
The men knocked her aside.
Alessandria whacked her head on the stone chunks of the bridge.
The searing heat adding to her pain.
A cut and burn ran along her forehead.
She tried to stand up. She couldn’t.
She looked at the Queen.
The Queen whipped out two long shining swords. She swung them.
The men tried to block.
The Queen’s swords went straight through the assassins’ swords.
The broken shards of metal glowed white before they turned to dust.
Her swords glowed red in return.
They took a step back.
A scream followed by the sound of Hellen’s stick comforted Alessandria.
Another scream followed by the sound of a skull-cracking made Alessandria smile.
She stood up.
Marched over to the three men and slash at the chest of one of them.
His blood sprayed over Alessandria’s armour. Warming it slightly.
Another man went for the Queen.
Hellen appeared from behind.
Bringing her stick down on the man’s head.
The last man started laughing.
“Ares did not tell us you were powerful. He lied. The idiot. It matters not,” he turned to Alessandria. “Your freak of a brother will die next,”
Alessandria was about to grab him when the man darted for the Queen with the rest of his sword. Forcing the Queen to kill him.
A great fear built up in Alessandria as the thought of Daniel’s dead body entered her mind. She couldn’t lose him not after growing close to him again.
As I stepped into the engineering chamber, I had to spin my dulled blade quicker and quicker to remain calm as I heard the deafening banging of hammering, the roaring of fires and shouting of men. This was a nightmare. I hated loud noises. I hated them but I reminded myself that I was here for my Queen and seeing Harrison working wouldn't be all bad.
Forcing myself forward, I walked past tens of red and black carriages with men pounding hammers against them. Presumably, hammering in New wheels or whatever these people do.
I know Harrison talks about his work when we get home but I sometimes zone out pretending to be interested with the timely nod or sound of agreement. Mother once said with those abilities I was cut out for marriage. I'll think about that in the far future.