Page 97 of Above and Beyond (Twist of Fate 4)
I couldn’t help but glance in the direction of the lamp. What if… what if that particular rule had nothing to do with the act of sleeping in someone else’s arms at all? What if there was more to it than that? What if it was a mere act of preserving his own dignity? He’d immediately accused me of having a problem with the light being on all night. Hell, he’d even made an angry joke about being awarded a medal because he was afraid of the dark. And if one rule was in question, what about all of the others? I felt Zach tense in my arms and knew it was because I’d taken too long to respond.
I dragged his head back down and covered his mouth with mine. I kissed him until I felt his body relax on top of mine. “Are you going to bring me breakfast in bed in the morning?” I asked with a grin.
Zach relaxed again. “Doubtful,” he said.
“Ok, how about whoever can still walk in the morning has to make breakfast?”
Zach arched a brow. “Seems counterintuitive but fine, it’s a deal.”
I shifted my weight so I could push Zach onto his back. I nipped at his mouth. “Loser also gets to eat their breakfast off the other person’s naked body,” I added.
Zach laughed. He was once again relaxed like he’d been when he’d carried me into the house. I reached between our bodies and palmed Zach’s cock through his pants. “I should warn you that I’m a terrible cook,” I said.
Zach folded his arms behind his head. “Is that so?” he asked. He didn’t move as I made my way down his body, placing soft kisses as I went. “So you want me to throw this thing?” he asked. He gasped on the last syllables because I chose that moment to lick my way down his treasure trail.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” I murmured as I worked the button free on his jeans. I had to carefully ease the zipper down because Zach’s dick was quickly responding to my touch.
Zach’s eyes had gone dark with lust and all the humor had fled from his expression as he lifted his head so he could watch me. “So do we have a deal?” I asked as I nuzzled his groin. His dick was still trapped in the confines of his jeans.
“Lucky,” Zach growled.
I purposefully ran my tongue over my lips. “Is that a yes?” I asked.
“Yes! Yes, damn it,” Zach barked. I smiled to myself because I was pretty certain Zach no longer had any clue what our deal was.
Come to think of it, neither did I. Not that it mattered because no matter what, I was coming out the winner because I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
In Zach’s bed.
Chapter 27
We spent the final three days of the program half-dead from sleep deprivation. As soon as I thought I’d worn Lucky’s ass out in my bed late at night, he’d wake me up in the wee hours of the morning with a simple touch and it would start the cycle all over again.
I couldn't get enough. Hell, there was no such thing as enough of Lucky Reed. His slender perfect body, his full pink lips, his thoughtfulness and kindness whenever I experienced any kind of pain or discomfort having to do with old and new injuries alike. He was King Arthur and I was the damned sword in the stone. Somehow, I came alive in his hands in a way I never had before. It wasn’t something I even noticed until Tag pulled me aside on the last day of classes.
“I take back what I said at the hospital,” Tag said with a shit-eating grin.
I tried to figure out what he was referring to. “What did you say?”
He narrowed his eyes at me, trying to figure out if I was pulling his leg or not. But I truly didn’t remember much about that day. I’d been on pain meds and more concerned with keeping Lucky away than anything else. I’d known if I’d let him into my hospital room while my defenses were down, I would have said things I never would have been able to take back or even want to.
“To stop keeping yourself so goddamned closed off and give the ki—Lucky—a real chance.”
I opened my mouth in shock, but Tag laughed before I could sputter out a what the fuck.
“Don’t give me that bullshit denial. Any idiot can see you look at him like a lovesick puppy. Hell, Zach, I think it’s fucking great. Finally. It’s about time you let someone in. I hope it works out for you, buddy. I really do. He’s a good man.”
I stared at my friend like he’d just stepped off an alien spaceship.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”