Page 24 of Lure Academy
Alexi pla
ced the files neatly on the bed and rose to his feet. “Look, I’m sorry. That case contained some very personal information I should have never read.” He stole a glance at Kain’s faded blue eyes. They were half covered by his blond bangs, and he would have loved to reach over and brush the hair away, but just as he thought that, his chest tightened at the realization that he had just contemplated showing Kain… tenderness. He looked away and rubbed his eyes and temples, hoping it would help clear his mind. “What happened in that cave… was awful.”
Kain huffed in disdain. “What was awful was what happened afterwards, not in that cave.” He started pacing the room. “You already know half of the story, so how about I tell you the rest?”
“You don’t have to…” Alexi did not expect this turn of events. Why would Kain even confide in him?
“He was a painter, my father. My real father.” The blond stopped in the middle of the room, fists squeezed at his sides. “Not Mikal, and not the man who raised me after my mother cheated on him with an incubus.” He sighed. “It sounds so messed up when I say it like this, doesn’t it? I mean, for how many supposed parents we have, we are awfully alone.” He gave a short, bitter laugh. “No matter. My real father, the guy from whom Satene took the seed she gave to Mikal to impregnate my mother, was a painter. I never even knew him.”
“I don’t know mine either. What use would it have?”
“Well, in my case it did have some use.” Slight sarcasm was obvious in Kain’s voice. “After that wretched demon tore my eyes off, I thought I would never see again. I thought it was the end, because there was no way I was going to live my life like that. Blind. But there was one solution. My mother was dead.”
“I had no idea.”
“She died when she gave birth to me.” It hurt saying it out loud. “But my father was still alive, somewhere in Italy. Long story short, he agreed to give me his eyes, even though it meant giving up his work and passion: painting.”
Alexi sat down on his bed, shoulders sagged. “How do you even go to a stranger and tell him he has a son? A son with a woman he never met.”
“It’s fucked up. So fucked up that I never believed he would understand. But Satene talked to him. He remembered her alright. His only wish was to see me just one time before they took his eyes and gave them to me.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for? Shit happens.”
“Not this kind of shit. This kind of shit should never happen.”
“There are many things that should never happen, yet they do. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we fight.” Kain took a deep breath and turned towards Alexi. “Now you know the whole story.” It was true, he knew the whole story. But he didn’t know the consequences. He didn’t know about the guilt Kain had to live with after the surgery. He could see again, but he could never forgive himself for regaining his sight at the expense of that man’s happiness.
There were so many things Alexi would have wanted to tell him, but he was afraid they would be inappropriate. Still, he felt like he had to say something. “You were lucky that one of your human parents was alive.”
“Yeah, if you insist to call it luck.”
“If something like this happened to me now, it would be too late.”
“At some point, it becomes too late for all cambions. We live too long and we risk too much. We’re demon children, yet more often than not we’re saved by our human heritage.”
Alexi didn’t know what else to say, so he kept silent. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, each with his own thoughts. Finally, Alexi couldn’t take it anymore. “I think we deserve a break.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Maybe a nice, hot bath?” Alexi suggested. “Maybe the Red Chamber?”
Kain smiled, his mood suddenly improved. In the given situation, there was no time for any more words, so his answer was to start walking towards the door, swaying his ass just enough to show Alexi he’d need something big and hard to steady him properly.
Alexi followed his roommate, his eyes on the delicious butt so generously displayed. For the first time since they had moved together, he forgot about all the things he held against the blond. He could even go as far as to say they sounded kind of silly.
At that time of day, the Red Chamber was far from empty. Two girl cambions were on the right side of the basin, one in the water and the other lying on her stomach behind her, kissing her neck and playing with her nipples. Content, the girl in the water was smiling lazily with her eyes closed. On the left side of the room, in the Mirror Corner, there were three other cambions, a girl and two boys. The scene was not as quiet as the first one, as the girl was moaning loudly while one of her partners was licking her pussy and the other was sucking on her nipples. The room was filled with a heavy, intoxicating air. The cambions’ energies were floating above, tangled, giving and taking at the same time.
Standing near the pool, Alexi couldn’t help getting hard at the sight of the three in the Mirror Corner, while Kain was busy taking off his own sweater. His attention was finally distracted when Kain turned to him, blond hair disheveled and eyes sparkling. Alexi took in his naked torso, pure thirst leaving his mouth dry.
“Here, let me help you.” Kain stepped closer and started unbuttoning Alexi’s shirt, marveling at his lean muscles and his manly scent. He couldn’t help touching here and there, lightly tracing the tips of his fingers tantalizingly close to his pert nipples, then down onto his stomach, trailing the thin line leading inside his low-riding jeans.
Alexi let out a low moan and grabbed Kain by the hem of his jeans, drawing him close and starting to unzip them. Impatience was boiling in his blood, making him hot and demanding.
Kain let Alexi do whatever he wanted while looking at his manly features and hungry eyes. He was close enough to drop his head on his roommate’s shoulder and lick the sensitive skin there, his body limp against the other’s. He groaned loudly when Alexi grabbed his hard cock through the newly formed slit in his pants and began stroking lightly, spreading the pre-cum already leaking down the heated head. Feeling his knees melt, he put his arms around Alexi’s neck and whispered in his ear.