Page 28 of Lure Academy
“That was… wow!” She released a long, shaky breath.
“Your sigil…” said Kain.
Sophie pushed herself up just enough to look up at him. “What?”
Alexi knelt beside her on the bed and touched her stomach. “He’s right. Haven’t you noticed?”
Sophie looked down at his hand, and when he moved it away she saw the lines, dots and triangles that formed the sigil now etched into her skin. She remembered the sudden burn that had come with her powerful release. It didn’t hurt anymore, and its texture looked as if it had been there all along, like an old tattoo. She traced it with the tips of her fingers, then raised her eyes to look at Alexi, then at Kain.
“Does this mean…?”
“The mark of your inner demon. You’re definitely one of us now,” said Kain.
“How is this possible?” Lilith raised her absinthe eyes from the report on her desk.
Ke-sar was sitting across from her, his golden eyes boring into the words which he could read upside down. He didn’t say anything. He knew Lilith’s question wasn’t addressed to him.
Tengu had chosen to stand a couple of steps away from the desk. He was a man of action, and he had no time to relax in one of Lilith’s leather chairs. His black skin glowed in the morning light filtered through the heavy curtains. The headmistress had never particularly liked the sun.
“I do not know more than I have written in those files. That is all the shaman told me.”
Lilith closed the report and stared at the black, plastic cover. If she opened it again, would she read something different? Would the words change to reflect a more believable case?
“It can’t be,” she said. Her eyes moved from Ke-sar to Tengu. “The Ke’let demons have long been extinct.”
“On the other hand, they have always been good at hiding.” It was the first time Ke-sar had spoken since he and Tengu brought Lilith the report. His deep, rich voice filled the room, sending shivers up Lilith’s spine. Even after all these years, she still found it impossible to resist her colleague’s charm. She wondered if Ke-sar’s voice had the same effect on Tengu.
“We can’t send anyone in until we’re sure. We must know exactly what we’re dealing with,” she concluded. “And… in the Carpathian Mountains? In Ukraine? So close to us? This is odd. Very odd, indeed.”
“I agree we should gather more information,” said Tengu. “I can go on field. I felt like the shaman wanted to tell me more, but the trance he had managed to induce was too feeble.”
“Take Nyame with you,” said Lilith. “We might need an expert in demonic psychology this time.”
Tengu clenched his jaw but didn’t protest. He didn’t like Nyame. Of all the incubi and succubi, Mikal was probably the only one who could stand her. Of course she was an expert in demonic psychology. She was a bit psycho herself.
“Yes,” continued Lilith, “this is what we shall do. Investigate the matter, find out as much as possible, and report back. For now, there’s no need to tell the others.”
“What if it turns out this…” Ke-sar flipped the report open, “Casimir D’Argyle truly is a Ke’let? Maybe the last of his kind.”
“Then, we send in our best cambions,” deadpanned the headmistress.
As she exited the classroom, Sophie wondered where all the fun in studying at Lure Academy was. She had just taken an awfully difficult test in “Study of the Ancient Texts”, and she didn’t even want to think about the grade. It was Friday, so she had the weekend to relax and try to take her mind off studying. Come Monday, Tarini would certainly ruin her entire week because she knew there was no way anyone’s test would be good enough for the succubus. Sophie sighed, squeezed the huge textbook against her chest, and pushed her shoulder against the heavy door of Septentrio.
“So heavy…” she muttered. Maybe it was just her. Maybe she was too weak and tired after two weeks of studying, writing papers, taking tests, and trying to keep up with her mentors, Kain and Alexi, during their private sessions. As hot and adorable as they were… “Okay, maybe they’re not that adorable. No. Wrong word to describe them,” she whispered to herself and smiled while stepping out into the icy February air. As hot as they were, they were damn demanding.
Sophie’s train of thought came to a halt when she bumped into a strong, wide chest. She apologized quickly and took a step back, but when she met Kain’s blue eyes she almost felt sorry for the clumsy apology.
“Really?” she said. “That’s how you get a woman’s attention? By bumping into her? How rude…”
Kain laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s your own fault you never watch where you’re going.”
“You did it on purpose. Jerk.”