Page 40 of Mr. and Mrs. Rossi
Harley pulled her hair up on top of her head. With her curves and her arms in the air, she reminded him of a golden forties pin-up girl. Her legs turned at the knees to reveal her back. A long zip showed off her lace panties. Could hands sweat? Because Dante found himself wiping his hands down the front of his jeans. He gulped and focused on the nape of her neck. Necks were sexy, weren’t they? Especially with a hand wearing a wedding band signifying their marriage held her hair upwards. She listened to him and this further proved she contemplated sticking this thing out. Why else would she keep the ring on her?
“Are you okay?”
“Probably just hungry,” his shaking hands managed to find the tip of the zipper and reluctantly pulled it up. His knuckles brushed against her jagged tattoo. “I noticed these before, what is it?”
“Wings,” Harley turned her head slightly, her long lashes batted as she explained, “angel wings.”
“Your artist did a poor job.”
“You prefer a map of the world or a patriotic bird?”
Dante tugged at her zipper encouraging her to continue.
“They’re wings trying to come out. You know, deep down inside I can be an angel.”
Who did she need to remind? The little bit of history did something to the blood coursing through his veins. Everything stiffened. Whose big idea was it to go out?
“So what are you in the mood for?” She turned in his arms, her dark eyes looking toward him.
The curls of her long hair touched and brushed against his thumbs as she spun in his arms. The way his hands rested at the curve of her waist felt natural. He hadn’t realized she was wearing makeup until he noticed her eyelashes extending further out than normal. He realized she barely wore make up. Rarely did he have to wipe the waxy leftover lipstick after they’d kissed. His erection strained against his jeans at her loaded question.
Dante met her gaze with a raised eyebrow. She pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes. “Okay-okay. I figured since we’re here we should enjoy this place called Ignacio’s.”
It was Harley’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “You need a reservation.”
Since coming to Villa San Juan on and off again with his crew to furlough, Dante had come to know a lot of the sights and best places to go. Ignacio was practically an uncle to him. “We’ll be okay.”
“I’m not sure you can afford it on your FBI salary. Seriously, we can order in and hang out here.” Harley pressed her hand against his chest subconsciously over his heart. Something about the way she batted her eyes. He couldn’t eat or think. Well, he thought about a few things and ways to get her into bed.
“Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“So you’re friends with the owner,” Harley’s grin spread across her face with unspoken sarcasm as she turned her cheek toward his while he pulled out his chair for her.
“You’d rather be in line waiting?” Sitting across the white linen table from her, Dante smoothed his shirt down and played with the fork and spoon. Was he nervous? What was wrong with him? He dated plenty of people in his time and did not care about impressing them. With Harley, he wanted her to picture him as one of the good guys, someone she could trust.
“Did you play a lot of sports growing up? I hear some men get addicted to ah,” her index finger played with the stem of her water glass, “competition?”
Dante relaxed a little at the sight of her genuine smile. “Babe, you’re just now noticing?”
“Besides your cocky ego?”
He shrugged, placing his elbows on the table. His Nonni raised him with better manners. “I never had anything to be insecure about, well, until I met you.”
Harley teased him gasping and clutching her heart. Dante felt a rush of jealousy over her hand. Her golden skin against the black material beckoned to be touched.
“You’re surprised? I’ve never met a woman who couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Every time I leave a room, you take off.”
“In my defense of the last time,” Harley laughed. “We needed to get to Hannah and couldn’t wait for you to get dressed.”
“And the first time you ditched me?”
She pressed her lips together and looked away. Over the candlelight he watched her golden cheeks turn a shade of red. The live band began to play a salsa beat. Couples left their tables and filled the floors. Harley’s shoulders swayed to the beat.
“I did not do a good job at ditching you since you were able to carjack me,” she said looking back at him. Whether she realized it or not, her shoulders shimmied and her breasts jiggled.
Dante tried not to stare too hard. “Care to dance?”