Page 49 of Mr. and Mrs. Rossi
Harley’s eyes darted toward Julio’s. She didn’t have a chance to ask any questions as Alfaro’s cold fingers wrapped around her upper arm. The only thing she was able to tell with a casual look over her shoulder was Julio dialing a number on his cell phone.
“Forgive my cold hands,” said Christopher, a little too close to her earlobe. “It’s so freaking hot on this island.”
“I agree,” Harley said, trying to throw out the casual conversation as they approached a waiting limousine. “You’d think there would be a breeze with this place being surrounded by water.”
“Yes, yes,” his hand slipped from her arm to her lower back, “Please, sit. I want to chat with you.”
The sea air filled her lungs when she inhaled deeply. This was her big chance. No back up, no one knew where she was going but there was no time. Harley needed to be in this spot regardless of how dangerous the setting. The inside of the limousine welcomed her with darkness and the scent of alcohol, tequila if she knew her liquors, and cigar smoke. The acrid scent pierced her nostrils. “Sure,” she managed to say cheerfully, “I’ve been worried about you.”
“You’ve been worried about me?” Christopher said with a surprised laugh. He slid into the seat beside her; the leather absorbed his weight, causing Harley to lean closer to him. Automatically his arm snaked around her bare shoulders. “I’m flattered, but why did you not stick around to find out how I was doing?”
The side of his rough thumb traced circles around her collarbone. The heat of his fingers reminded her less than a few hours ago, Dante’s fingers lingered over her body the same way. No one touched her like he did. No one should ever touch her like that again, funny considering she just conquered one of her biggest fears—seeing Julio again.
“Christopher,” Harley patted his knee and turned, pulling from his embrace and positioning herself to face him. Judging from the background moving beyond the dark tinted windows, they were moving. She fought against the wave of panic. The club would let out any minute and she needed to be there for Javier. Clearing her throat she tried to focus. “There was an explosion and I ran. I had my niece to think about.”
“The one who just graduated?”
As if there was another one in the café with them. “Yes,” Harley nodded. “I have to think about her safety.”
“Of course,” Alfaro nodded with her. “She has her whole life ahead of her. And we wouldn’t want anything to happen to a new graduate and lose her spot at Miami.”
Okay, so he knew more about her family than she liked. “How did you know?” Harley played the dumb blonde cover.
“Babygirl, I have my finger on the pulse of everything.”
So he did not know everything, which was a relief.
“A pretty girl like yourself shouldn’t be out on the streets alone.”
“Well, I had Dante but, we, uh,”
Harley tore her gaze to her side of the window.
Alfaro’s arms snaked around her shoulders again, “But you realize now you made a mistake?”
“How well do you really know someone you just met three days ago?” Harley turned and offered a shy smile.
“Was he mean to you?”
“Mean?” Flashbacks of Dante’s large hands over her body bolted through her mind. The whiplash pang in her neck came from shaking her head so quickly or for the way her body responded with just the thought of Dante’s skills. “No, he wasn’t mean to me at all, we’re just, different.”
“What do you know about him?”
The car stopped by the pier, near the shipping yard. Harley could hear the boats in the distance. They weren’t far from the Cofresí. She planned out her escape route, if needed. But she got the feeling Alfaro was fishing for information on Dante. “He’s a mechanic.”
“Oh babygirl, he is much more.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your husband works for the FBI.”
Harley made sure to open her eyes extra wide so Christopher could see the surprised look, “What?” then she waved him off with a flick of her wrist. “Be serious.”
“Very,” Christopher clasped his hand over hers bringing them both to his lips. “I am afraid your husband is using you to get to me.”
“I just met you!” Harley leaned back and away from his body. She told herself to keep playing dumb and he’ll let it all out. Men were so stupid.
“I believe your niece is part of this.”