Page 105 of In the Shadows
“Blast that girl,” Cora muttered, taking Charles’s arm and
going as fast as she dared.
“Everyone follows my lead,” Thom said when they caught up
to Minnie. At every bend he slowed and peered cautiously ahead.
“We only want to see who he is meeting with and where. Then we
go to the sheriff and demand he listen to us. My father’s name isn’t
worthless, and even if they don’t believe us outright, I doubt this
Ladon Vitae group wants to be noticed. And if the sheriff doesn’t
scare them off . . .”
He trailed off darkly, his hand drifting to his vest.
Charles did not like the bulk in Thom’s vest. It made the ach-
ing in his chest sharper than ever. Thom was going to get himself
in trouble. That’s why Charles needed to come, though every part
of his body was screaming in agony, begging him to lie down right
here on the road.
They were as stealthy as they could be, following two men in
broad daylight through a summer resort town. When they nearly
knocked Arthur down as he slid out from a shadowed stoop, they
were all shocked that Minnie was the first — and loudest — to
curse in surprise.
“Go home,” Arthur hissed.
“Make me,” Minnie responded, glaring at him with an inten-
sity he’d never seen.
Charles felt suddenly, painfully lonely.
“We’re losing them.” Cora pushed past, hurrying down the
street with Charles on her arm. He wished she’d walk with a little
less determined purpose.
“There! Into the same teahouse as before!” Thom nodded in
grim triumph. “Let’s go get the sheriff.”
They turned and, Arthur and Minnie quietly arguing in the