Page 52 of In the Shadows
When they got to the rocks that marked the edge of the
narrow, sheltered cove beach, they clung to them, breathing hard
and blinking salt water out of their eyes.
“Thomas fancies you,” Minnie said.
Cora sputtered, and it wasn’t because she had swallowed water.
“He’s very kind. But I don’t think —”
“Oh, he absolutely does. Don’t be coy. Do you like him? I
think he’s nice. Too serious by half, but he’s handsome enough.
Devastatingly so when he’s playing music, don’t you think?”
It had been three days since they had observed Thomas’s
transcendent time at the organ. Even Minnie had fancied him
when he was playing, and Cora’s flushed cheeks turned a deeper
red at the memory. Minnie leaned forward, throwing one cold
arm around Cora’s neck. “I’m so happy. Right now, I’m the happi-
est girl alive.”
“You always exaggerate,” Cora chided, but she sounded happy,
too. “What about you? I think Charles likes you.”
“Oh, he’s mad for me. He kissed me.”
“Minnie! You let him?”
“I’ve kissed every other boy in town.” Her eyes found their way
automatically to Arthur, standing with his toes nearly in the water,
watching them. Not every other boy. Not her favorite, her best, her
“Honestly, you need to be more careful. A girl’s reputa-
tion is —”
“It was just a kiss, Cora. Kisses are like candy. Everyone should
be able to enjoy them, and no one should take them seriously.
Charles is a doll, and if it makes him happy to kiss me and me
happy to kiss him, where’s the harm?”
“If things turn sour . . . We need the money. We can’t afford