Page 6 of In the Shadows
narrowed in consideration. Arthur felt as though he were being
read like a book, and wondered whether this girl would like his
story. It was not a story he particularly liked.
“Minnie!” the other girl hissed, before turning back to him.
“Hello. I’m Miss Johnson, and this is my sister.”
The door to the kitchen banged open, held by Mrs.
Johnson’s hip as she balanced a tray. Without being asked, the
taller girl rushed forward, taking the tea service. Minnie stayed
where she was, her eyes never leaving their increasingly delighted
study of Arthur.
“These are my daughters,” Mrs. Johnson said, setting a plate
of rolls and gravy on the low table in the middle of the room.
“Cora, my eldest, and Minnie.”
Cora smiled sweetly. Minnie went cross-eyed, then looked
smugly at Cora to see her reaction.
“Girls, this is Arthur. He’s family, and will be staying with
us now.”
Arthur didn’t know who was more shocked, the girls or him-
self. “I —” he started, but Mrs. Johnson shot him a look that
brooked no argument. He couldn’t correct her, not now. He’d slip
out tonight, into the darkness and shadows.
“Cora will show you the attic room when you’ve finished eat-
ing. We’re very glad you’re here. It will be nice to have a man in the
house again.” A tremor in her voice was the only indication that
anything was wrong. That, and the way she looked just to the side
of Arthur’s face as she spoke, never making full eye contact.
Wiping her hands on her apron, she nodded and went back
into the kitchen.
Minnie clapped her hands in delight. “Are you a cousin? I’ve
always wanted a handsome cousin!”