Page 84 of In the Shadows
until it was too late for anyone to stop it. She could work in secret,
too. So Cora turned and went back inside, toward the sitting room
where she could hear Thomas’s restless playing.
She was nearly there when a voice behind her made her freeze.
“Excuse me,” Alden said.
Cora turned, her expression carefully neutral. He couldn’t
know what she knew. “Yes?”
“I believe someone broke into my room.”
“Have you spoken with my mother about it? She’ll want to
know so she can help rectify the situation.”
He leaned closer, face above hers, and she resisted the urge to
shrink away. She couldn’t shake the image of the oil painting
superimposed onto his actual features. She took a large, deter-
mined step backward, increasing the distance between them.
His mouth twisted into a smirk. “I haven’t spoken to your
mother, no. I thought perhaps you’d know something about it. Or
maybe one of your friends.”
“I assure you, sir, we hold ourselves to the strictest standards
here. I can personally vouch for the staff. Perhaps during maid
service some of your belongings were shifted. Is anything missing?”
“Nothing irreplaceable. Come with me; I’ll do an inventory
and you can take note.” He held out his arm.
“I’ll call for my mother.”
Before she could move, he closed the distance between them,
backing her into the wall. “I didn’t ask for your mother, did I?
You’re a bright girl, Cora. Don’t play at being dense.”
Alden was grabbed from behind and shoved roughly away.
Cora realized with a gasping relief that the piano music had
stopped. Thomas moved in front of her, shielding her.
“Leave her alone,” he said, his normally mellow voice a growl.