Page 86 of In the Shadows
“Because he didn’t want to get your hopes up if it didn’t work.
He has his doubts, but he said he was willing to try anything.”
“What . . . kinds of things can you do?”
Alden pulled out his pocket watch, glancing at the time before
clicking it shut. “These are not things for hallway conversations.
Indeed, they are not things for conversations at all. You’ll need to
see it, I think, to truly understand. Then you can decide whether
or not you want us to help Charles. We would never force it on
you. Meet me at the boathouse on the northern pier in thirty min-
utes.” He glanced at Cora. “And come alone. The debt is for your
family only, and I’m already betraying covenants by speaking so
openly to you.”
Tipping his hat to Cora and nodding to Thomas, Alden
turned and left the hall, whistling softly.
“What are you going to do?” Cora asked.
Thomas turned toward her, leaning against the wall and rub-
bing his face. “I don’t know. I thought — well, we could have been
wrong all along. After all, none of them have threatened Charles
or me directly. And my father sent us here on purpose. He would
never send us somewhere we wouldn’t be safe. I wish I could just
talk to him and get some answers, but he’s out of the country
“Are you going to meet Alden?”
Thomas shrugged. “I don’t see what other option I have.”
“You don’t really think he can help Charles, do you? Thomas,
he frightens me. There’s something not right about him.”
“There’s also something not right about my brother dying
at fifteen. If there’s some way — any way — to help him, I’ll
do it.” Thomas’s expression was intense, his voice heavy with