Page 4 of Rise (Rock God 1)
My mom. Worst taste in men.
My Grandmother Fontaine. Miserable for thirty years, and now that my grandfather is dead, she’s speeding around Pasadena in a red Corvette. And don’t get me started on my dad and his numerous failed marriages.
I reach for my glass of ice water and almost laugh. There’s only one Fontaine who is happy and in love.
My brother.
It’s unfathomable.
Axel never even wanted to fall in love. He hated it. Made fun of it, yet somehow he’s happy.
With kids. I’m an aunt to twin girls. Surreal if I take the time to think about it. Axel is actually living my childhood fantasy. The house, kids, maybe throw in a dog. He even has a white picket fence around his yard.
It’s kind of a drag. He doesn’t even care when I tease him, just laughs and agrees, then grabs Antoinette and kisses her as if there is no one else in the world. Which makes me feel like shit. I’ll never have what they have. Then that causes me guilt because I do love my brother and I’m happy for him.
Back and forth I ping-pong. It’s why I’ve kept myself busy working and avoiding Antoinette’s calls. She’s knee-deep in planning their wedding, and she wants me around for it. But she has a whole crowd of women who love her, most in happy relationships. I’m like the third wheel.
My phone vibrates again, bringing me back to the now and the waitress’s over-the-top laughter. Can she be any more obvious? Sebastian isn’t going to be into her as soon as we pay the check. That’s mean but true.
“Rock God,” a girl screams as she runs past our table.
Time stops.
For one terrible moment I break out in a cold sweat. I take a breath as dread slithers up my spine causing goose bumps on my arms.
I’m hearing things. My brain is just tired. No way did I hear her correctly.
I almost scream, or puke. Either one is close to happening. Sebastian frowns at me, but who cares. My eyes dart around to look at the crowd lined up at the entrance.
“What did they just say?”
Breathe. I need to breathe. He wouldn’t be here. I’m hearing things, that’s all. I blow out some air and wave my phone.
“What are you talking about?” Sebastian snaps. “Answer your phone or turn it off.” Then he turns back to the waitress again.
“We have to go.” I slam my hands down loud on the table, causing the silverware to clank together and water to spill onto the white tablecloth. Both Sebastian and the waitress stop.
“What’s wrong with you? It’s a celebrity, for fuck’s sake.” He scowls and turns sideways to look over at what seems to be the coming attraction.
“Mon Dieu, this has to be someone big.” The waitress rubs her hands up and down her pants and I want to scream numerous things at her… like I knew you spoke English, and Why didn’t you get me coffee? And most importantly, Is there an emergency exit?
“Gia?” Sebastian’s voice makes me jump. Christ, I’m completely unraveling.
“What?” I sound hysterical, but fuck it, I am, so why pretend. I need to save us… me, whatever… Holy shit, I’m full-on panicking. Breathe, Gia. And think.
I’m not doing either.
“Rock God! It’s him. Rock Godddd, I love youuu,” a woman wails as she clings to her friend.
“Sebastian. Now.” I grab my bag and vault out of the chair, causing both waters to spill over. It’s like a bad dream that I want to wake up from but can’t. I feel rather than notice the ice water that’s soaked my white pants and drips onto my new heels.
“Goddammit,” I say, wanting to burst into tears, but screw that. I have to get myself together and think.
Okay. One. It’s him.
Two. I need to either toss my phone into my purse or throw it against the wall because it’s vibrating again.
Three. I’m acting ridiculous. Rhys Granger is a nobody. A part of my past—that’s all. Eventually, this was bound to happen. In fact, I’m surprised it took this long.
“O-kay. I guess we’re going.” Sebastian finally stands and I’m tempted to throw myself into his arms.
Electric energy pulses around the large space. I clear my throat and dump my phone into my purse, swinging it over my shoulder.
“Maybe we should wait for the crowd to move.” He nods toward the door.
“No. We need to go now. I don’t have time to get into this—”
“Oh, it’s Granger, from The Stuffed Muffins.” His eyes focus above my head.
“Shit.” Biting my lip, I stare at a button on his shirt.
“Interesting… he’s coming over here.”
“What?” I want to cry but that can wait. Don’t look back, I chant in my head.
“Yep… and he’s got Paulette with him.”
The waitress squeals. “I love them! Granger is magnificent…” Thankfully she switches to French. She was bugging me before. Now I really dislike her.