Page 6 of Dirty Summer 6
“Apparently, he’s working.” The blonde turned toward the bathroom. “I might as well go out and have a little fun, but I promise not to interrupt you lovebirds.”
The doorbell rang promptly at nine. Blair was heading downstairs as Maggie rushed across the room to let her sexy sailor in.
“Hi.” She opened the door for Reid.
The two hadn’t seen each other since Maggie had left for Charlotte, and Blair knew how much her roomie wanted to see him.
Reid leaned down and kissed Maggie’s forehead. “Hi.” He smiled and moved to her lips. “Welcome back.”
Blair walked across the living room toward the back door.
“Carry on with the reunion. Don’t mind me,” she teased. “Try to wrap it up before we miss all of the drink specials.”
Reid laughed. “I guess she’s right. We don’t want to miss the show either.”
“Who did you say was playing? Was it the Fin Notes or some other band?” Maggie asked.
“Not sure,” Reid answered, ushering both girls out the door. “But I hear they’re really good. Come on. We need to get a decent spot up front.”
Blair followed the lovebirds to Reid’s green Jeep, ready for the night to begin. Reid blasted a familiar beach song as the winding island roads led them to Beaufort.
Blair scanned the deck full of people crowding in front of the Dock House stage. Sporting an assortment of T-shirts, flip-flops, and flowery sundresses, the crowd included sunburned tourists and seasoned locals.
“I’ve never seen so many people here. This band must be really good,” Maggie commented. Her friend seemed a little distracted with one eye on the back door, waiting for Reid to appear from the bar with their drinks.
“Yeah, too bad Justyn had to work tonight.” Blair pouted. “Apparently he’s missing the night to be out around here. Now, who am I going to dance with?”
“Girls! Maggie!” Reid wove his way through the crowd, holding three drinks against his chest. He smiled when he spotted them.
“Hey, let me help you out there,” Maggie said, taking a drink from Reid’s hand and passing one to Blair before keeping the second for herself.
Reid stepped to the right, revealing a curvy, strawberry-blonde holding hands with a tall, dark-haired guy who looked vaguely familiar.
“I’d like to introduce you to some people. This is my cousin, Josh.” Reid motioned toward the guy who was holding a Bud Light in his other hand. “And his fiancée, Missy.”
Maggie smiled and stuck out her free hand. “Nice to meet y’all. I’m Maggie, and this is Blair.
Blair sipped her fruity concoction and peered over the plastic cup, registering the resemblance between Josh and Reid. “Congratulations. When’s the wedding?” She couldn’t help but peek at the bride’s left hand for the engagement ring.
“Actually, it’s in a few days. I still have so much to do, but Josh tore me away from the stacks of favors and place cards for a night out,” the bride-to-be gushed. “Sometimes he’s really hard to resist.” She looked up at her fiancé with utter devotion in her eyes.
Those damn Strait cousins, Blair thought. She could attest to a resistance breakdown when it came to certain members of this island family. Missy was clearly under the same spell she had fallen under.
“You seem really calm for someone who’s about to walk down the aisle in a few days.” Blair noticed how Josh kept his arm around Missy’s waist.
“Really? I seem calm? Because, on the inside, I’m freaking out. I have so much to get ready.” Missy’s words picked up steam.
“Let me know if I can help you out,” Blair offered. “I’m great with decorating, and Maggie and I organized tons of events and parties at Carolina. Right, G?”
Blair turned to her friend and realized she was lost in her own world, tucked in the crook of Reid’s arm, looking up adoringly at him. Blair shook her head. That look had entanglements written all over it.
“I’ll give you my number before we leave tonight. I have nothing but free time during the day and I’d love to help. Just text me in the next
couple days when you need me,” Blair said to Missy before stepping closer to where Reid, Josh, and Maggie were grouped together. She caught the end of the boys’ conversation about tonight’s mystery band.