Page 7 of Dirty Summer 7
“Don’t touch me.” This time his voice was calm. It sounded cold and detached.
Maggie shrank back as if he had thrown icy water in her face.
Blair stopped on the stairs. Her friend must have been just as stunned by the F-bombs dropping from Reid’s mouth as she was.
“I wanted to tell you, I really did, but we were having so much fun, and the summer is so short,” she hurriedly tried to explain her motives. She knew she didn’t have much time before he completely shut down, if he hadn’t already.
“That’s what you call spying? Summer fun?”
Maggie stared at him, horrified.
“This is my life, Maggie! I’m not some pawn in your daddy’s plan to make money. You thought he could just buy my little business, and I’d be ok with that? Who are you?”
“But that’s not what happened at all!” She knew there were tears streaming down her face, but it was pointless to try to stop them now.
“You used me!” His voice roared through the landing.
Blair stepped in front of him. “You’re done, Reid. Out!” She pointed at the stairs.
He stared at Blair. “I don’t like being played.”
“Go.” Blair ushered him away from the landing. Maggie could barely hold it together.
Blair followed him down the stairs. “I know you busted in here like some raging bull because you found out Maggie’s a Zeal, and maybe you are slightly justified to be mad at her, but she didn’t deserve that. I never pegged you for a total asshole.”
“I’m not getting into this with you. Does Justyn know what you’ve been up to this summer?”
He wasn’t yelling any longer, but his words were strong.
“Like I said, you’re an asshole. Get out.”
Maggie heard the door shut and dissolved into a fit of sobs as her back slid against the hall wall to the floor just outside her bedroom door. Blair rushed toward her.
“Oh, G,” Blair coaxed. “You’re going to be ok. He’s gone. I kicked him out.”
“How does he even know?” Maggie managed through loud sobs. She wiped the tears falling relentlessly. She tucked her arms around her knees and put her head down. I should have told him last night. How many opportunities did I have? What was I thinking? She continued to cry and berate herself.
“It doesn’t really matter how he knows, does it? He was a dick.” Blair patted her back. “Aww, I think he needs time to cool down.”
“Did you see how he looked at me? Like he was completely disgusted. Oh my God. This is terrible, worse than terrible. What have I done?” Maggie didn’t know how Reid had pieced together her identity, but Blair was right, it didn’t matter. He knew the truth and it wasn’t because she was the one who was honest.
“If you are seriously considering talking to him after that, then give him time. I know how these island boys work. Believe me. Give him some time.” Blair hugged her harder. “Come on. Let’s get you in bed. You can cry all you need to.”
“Sweetheart, are you home?” a familiar voice called up the stairs. “Maggie? Blair?”
Maggie shot Blair a panicked look and whispered, “Is that my dad?”
“Stay here. I’ll go see what’s going on.” Blair left Maggie standing in the hallway. Instead of going in her room, she lingered on the landing where she could hear what her dad had to say about this unexpected visit.
“Mr. Zeal, what a surprise.” Blair used her rehearsed television reporter voice.
“Hey, girl. How’s your summer been treating you on the island?”
“Oh, you know, lots of beach trips—the usual summer stuff.” Blair answered. “I didn’t know you were coming for a visit today. Let’s go to the kitchen. “Can I get you some tea? Maggie will be down in a second.”
“Tea sounds just right.” Denny said. “Blair, maybe you can help me with something while we’re waiting on Maggie.”
“Sure. What is it?” Blair asked.