Page 32 of No Boundaries
She smiled. “Hey, so what about today? Want to go with me to pick up Hunter? I have to leave in about fifteen minutes.”
I kissed her forehead. “Wish I could, but I’ve got light practice then a team meeting. Playoffs are no shit serious around here.”
“I understand.”
I stood, drawing her topless body to mine. “But tonight?”
“I don’t want to distract you if you need to study or something. Maybe after the game instead?”
I laughed. “You’re cute. You know that?”
She pinched her lips together. “Cute? Because I don’t want to be the reason you lose sleep before a huge game?”
“No.” I shook my head. “Because you think we’re going to sleep tonight. And that I give a shit about anything other than fucking your gorgeous body as many times as I can tonight.”
I loved the blush that reddened her body. “But—”
I stopped the protest with a powerful kiss. “Shut up, baby. Kiss me and I’ll see you here tonight. I’ll be back at eight. Got it?”
Her fingers pressed into the skin on the back of my neck. “Got it.”
And that was when I realized maybe there
was a perfect woman for me. And maybe the flame between us was only the beginning of a raging fire.
Hunter seemed quiet. He was usually a quiet kid, but it was worse today. I had taken him to his favorite parks to cheer him up. But nothing worked.
He avoided my questions about what happened when he made it back to the home last night. I got it—he didn’t want to talk about his great escape. I didn’t want to keep bringing it up either. We had to move past it. He was safe, and that was what mattered most.
“Hey, want to try the air and space museum today?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm. What about the science expo? I read that kids can do all kinds of experiments. You could be a mad scientist.”
He had barely taken two bites of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had made for him. I had finished my lunch. I was famished after my all morning sexfest.
A family of three walked past us. The mom looked up at the father and they exchanged a knowing look as their son skipped ahead of them and they locked hands. I sighed louder than I meant to.
“I know something that might cheer you up.” I turned toward Hunter, hoping he hadn’t seen the happy trio breeze past us with their perfect life.
He looked up at me. “What?”
“Well, I talked to Hawk this morning.” I wasn’t about to say it was while he was feeding me pancakes after we’d had life-altering sex. “And he’s invited you and me to watch him play tomorrow.”
The smile was instantaneous. “What?”
I laughed. “I thought that might turn your day around.”
“And they’ll let me go?”
I nodded. “I already got permission to check you out of the home for the day tomorrow.” I’d never spent a Sunday with Hunter. It would be another first.
“You did?” I could see all his teeth, he was smiling so hard.