Page 26 of Surrender
“I guess so.” My eyes lifted when Vaughn strolled in from the hall into the living room. He crossed into the kitchen. “There you are.”
“Sorry about that.” Vaughn leaned over to kiss my cheek. “I would have gotten home sooner if I knew I was keeping everyone waiting,” he apologized.
Paul touched a finger to his lips. “I knew I recognized you.” My stomach curdled. Was this a good or bad thing? “I thought it was just from the building, but now I know where I’ve seen you before.”
Vaughn nodded. “Mertech.”
“Yes. Yes.”
Vaughn plucked a grape from the center of the board along with a piece of cheese. “I’m in one of the upstairs office suites.”
“And I’m down in the lab,” Paul offered.
“You two work in the same building?” Aubrey sounded surprised. “And now live in the same building?”
“You do?” I was just as shocked. I didn’t know Vaughn had an office. I didn’t know about Mertech.
“It’s a huge facility,” Vaughn explained. “I’m in advertising and marketing. I didn’t realize we had met. I know you from some of the promotions we’ve worked on. You’re a popular man there.”
Paul shook his head. “We haven’t met, but I think maybe I’ve seen you in the lobby or something? I knew your face was too familiar.” He waved his hand in the air as if the case were dismissed now that he realized how he knew Vaughn.
“I guess so. It’s nice to meet a legend in the field, an honor actually. Your work is important.”
“I have a team who also works hard.”
I stared, trying to digest the conversation. I had no idea what kind of work they were talking about. I only knew that whatever it was, it was important to Blackwing, and that meant it was worth a fortune to someone.
“Have you ever been in the lab, Leo?” Aubrey sipped her wine. “It’s Paul’s pride and joy.”
Vaughn shook his head. “No. I don’t have much need. It’s really out of scope for what I do.”
“You should come down some time. See where the magic happens. It’s not as bad as what you’ve probably heard. I promise it’s not a dungeon.”
“I know it’s a lot of trouble to get clearance, but thank you.”
“No trouble at all.” Paul waved him off. “I’ll show you the lab. I like giving tours. Makes me feel a little more human when I’m down there. Maybe in return you can show me an office with windows,” he joked. “That’s one thing I don’t have. We have to keep a sterile environment.”
“You might have a deal.” Vaughn grinned, pausing as if he had to consider the offer. I already knew what his answer would be. “All right. I’ll take you up on that, if you’re sure.”
Was this the plan? Vaughn needed to get inside Paul’s lab? What in the hell did Paul do? Was he a researcher? A scientist? I was too afraid to ask.
“You should do it.” Aubrey leaned against the counter. “I’ve only been once. Can you believe it? It’s not every day you get an offer like that.”
“Cherie, I didn’t know you wanted to spend more time in the lab with me.”
Aubrey laughed. “I don’t. But some people might find it fascinating. Nerdy scientist types,” she teased. Her eyes traveled to Vaughn. “I wouldn’t say you look nerdy, though.”
His eyebrows raised.
I bit my lip. “I think the chickens are ready. Anyone else hungry?” I wasn’t sure if my job was to steer the conversation away or toward the target, but my instincts told me to change the subject from Paul’s lab to something else.
“Is there something I can do to help you?” Aubrey offered. “Everything is already so put together. This would have taken me a week to do. And you did all this in one afternoon?”
I shrugged. There was no way to explain that I had done it to save Vaughn. I still hadn’t figured out what I was saving him from, but I didn’t have a choice.
“Really, it’s not a big deal. I like cooking, and it’s always just us, so this was fun.”
“Ok, domestic goddess, what can I do?”