Page 68 of Turn Over
I had spent the day in a hotel suite studying the Sharks’ defense. I had seen it before, but I wanted to be prepared.
An hour ago Linc texted me. Charlie wanted to meet. I didn’t realize she traveled out of Austin for this kind of thing.
I sat across from Charlie. Linc was next to me.
She smiled. “We have a new strategy I want to go over with both of you.”
I hadn’t been in the headlines once in the past few weeks for anything other than winning games. There was no way in hell management was mad at me. I’d done everything Charlie asked I do. I was pissed I was in this meeting.
“What is it?” I asked. “Things seem to be fine.”
“They are fine because I have created a perfect plan. Without that and I can only imagine what you would do.”
I leaned forward. “I can handle it without you.” Linc’s hand was on my forearm.
“I think we have an opportunity to stir the Lexi Wilde rumors again.”
Fuck. I looked at Linc.
“Why would you want to do that, Charlie?” he asked. “That died down.”
She spun her laptop around so we could see her screen. “She’s in town this weekend, working with her children’s charities at the St. Regis Hospital.”
“So?” I balked.
“So. She’s in town and you’re in town. It should be easy to stage a run-in again. You two know each other. See what you can do with that.”
“I’ve already told you that’s not happening with her.”
“This girl has more good will capital than a girl scout troupe. She brings you up. People loved it. It’s a relationship dream ticket.”
I shook my head. Linc needed to get me out of this. I wasn’t fucking things up with Alexa. I promised her the brand was off limits.
“No. I’m not running for election.” I pressed my palms into the table. “We’re winning. I’m taking this team to the Super Bowl. I don’t have time to get wrapped up in some girl. As long as I’m out of the press who cares? I’m not out chasing ass, so stop pointing me in that direction.” My glare was hard and nasty, but Charlie deserved it.
She proved to me that she didn’t give a shit about football. Images and smoke and mirrors—that was her game.
Linc cleared his throat. “Luke has a point. Someone like Lexi Wilde is more of a distraction than a help. A few weeks ago her fans were all over him. Luke doesn’t need that. He’s winning. He’s in the best shape of his life. Let him focus on that. Focus on football and the game. The Warriors are going to have a playoff season. That’s what everyone wants. Quiet headlines from Luke and Ws in the results column.”
Charlie whipped the laptop back in place and typed angrily. “She is staying at the Deluxe. I think we could arrange for a run-in when she’s done with the hospital unless you want to go straight there and try to see a few kids as well. That worked last time. Might as well throw in a donation at the same time. It might tip the scale even more.”
My fist slammed on the table. “I’m not going to say it again. Alexa Wilde is off limits.”
Charlie’s eyes lit. She leaned back in her seat and folded her hands together. “How long have you two been seeing each other?”
She closed the lid to her laptop and turned her phone face down.
“I’ve been in this business a long time. I’ve seen everything: DUIs, murder, sexual assault, alcoholism, drug abuse. And people lie to me. They think I can somehow help them without the full truth. What they don’t realize is I have radar for lies. It’s the easiest thing to spot, Luke. It’s like a spotlight, beaming right on their lying heads.
“This is one of two things: you either despise Lexi Wilde, or you’re in love with her. I get this feeling you don’t despise her.” Charlie wrinkled her nose. “I just don’t think that’s it. So that leaves me with love. And love I can work with.”
Linc kicked me under the table.
If she wanted fucking shock and awe she got it. Fuck.