Page 30 of Sweet Satisfaction
He brushed his lips over hers. “I’m glad you came home .”
“I am too .”
* * *
T he next morning Evan made coffee and turned on the highlights from the football game. His team had lost and he’d missed the entire game .
“I better go.” It was still dark out, and if Cami left now there was a chance no one would see her car .
“I walk to work,” Evan explained. “I’m headed out in about five minutes .”
She had redressed in the clothes she was wearing last night. “I’ve got all that fudge to ship .”
“You ship now?” He pulled her jacket from the hall coat closet .
Cami threaded one arm through the coat while he held it for her. “Not far, but it was the only way I thought I could compete with the big stores. I had a few requests from customers out of town so I thought I’d try it. I’m hoping I can recoup my shipping costs .”
He tugged the corners of her coat together as she faced him. “Smart move .”
“Thanks.” She took one last glance at the tree they had trimmed last night. They had done some much naughtier things underneath it. “Oh, my dish.” She jogged over to the kitchen and picked up the heavy pot and placed the lid on top. She had already divided leftovers for Evan in the refrigerator. “Don’t want to forget this.” She threw the pot holders on top .
“I guess I’ll see you later, Cami Addison .”
The door opened and a gust of cold wind blew between them .
“You will.” She smiled .
He pulled her in for a last kiss and she melted in his arms before he let her go .
She bounded down the stairs to her car. Evan’s driveway was small. And she had parked on the street in front of his house. He waved from the front porch as she pulled away from the curb. They hadn’t gotten to the outside decorations. She wondered if she had overstepped with the Christmas tree, but she couldn’t deny how much he seemed to enjoy it .
She exhaled as the lights from his house faded from her rearview mirror .
It was only a two-minute drive along the block to the downtown district. It wasn’t even enough time for Cami’s car to warm up with the heat on full blast. She shivered, gripping the steering wheel for warmth. Without the nearness of Evan everything seemed chillier than it should. Did she already miss him? She rolled through the one traffic light intersection in town and parked behind the shop .
It was eerily quiet as she climbed the stairs to her apartment. It was as if she had Evan had been the only people awake in all of Harpers Point. It was possible .
Cami tossed her bag on the foyer table and locked the door behind her. It was hard to wipe the smile from her face. The night with Evan had been everything she ever wanted. She fell asleep in his arms. Only this time, it was because it was what they both wanted .
His anger had receded like the tide, and been replaced with playfulness and a slow burn that was taking over her thoughts. She didn’t know whether to fight it or just let herself enjoy the fall. Was it already love? Did it come back stronger and faster the second time ?
She walked to the closet in her bedroom. On the top shelf in the back was a box from high school. It was still sealed with tape. There was no need to pack it when she moved in. She ripped open the lid and rummaged through until she found a stack of pictures tied together with a knotted ribbon .
She sat on the closet floor, thumbing through the photos. There was one of her and Evan on the homecoming float their senior year. The next was a shot of them on the pier one summer before they took Evan’s dad’s boat out for the day. Cami remembered it was the first time his father let him have the keys. And then there were about ten different pictures from prom. She cringed at her dress, but it was pretty at the time. Her hair had been pulled back in a twist with big curls framing her face. She laughed. That was a style she hoped never came back .
She pressed her lips together when she saw the last picture. She was staring at the camera, holding up her left hand with a huge smile on her face. It was the day Evan had proposed, only three days after graduation. Had Aunt Sophie taken it ?
She studied the picture and let the other ones scatter on the floor. Why did she do it? Why did she give the ring back? Who would she be right now if she had married Evan? Would he have gone to war? Would they have three kids and live in the cottage on Cove Avenue? Would either of them had finished college? Was she always meant to come back and run The Sweet Treat ? Was it pointless to leave all along ?
Her head fell into her hands. There were too many questions. Too many what-ifs .
She pushed herself off the floor and turned off the light. She carried the picture with her, placing it next to the bed. The bathroom lights seemed bright after the dimness of the closet. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, staring at her reflection. What did Evan see now when he stared at her? Was there any trace of the girl she used to be ?
Cami undressed and stepped into the shower. It was hard to focus, but she remembered something Evan had said last night. He asked her if she believed in Christmas magic. She knew she didn’t have the answers that had been accumulating for twelve years, but she did have that one. Yes. Yes, she believed in Christmas magic with all her heart .